
SAF: The Militia Loots Food and Causes Starve of Citizens

Sudan Events – Agencies

A military official in the SAF accused the “rebel militia” of looting food warehouses belonging to the World Food Program WFP in Al-Obeid and Wad Madani, the capital of Gezira State.
He said in his statements to Al-Jazeera Net that it besieged citizens in several neighborhoods in Khartoum and prevented the arrival of food and medicine until the SAF expelled them from it in Omdurman.
He held the “rebel militia” responsible for starving citizens, not in the areas affected by the battles, but in the safe states, by closing roads and looting aid convoys and trucks carrying goods and supplies, which led to the cessation of trade and the impossibility of obtaining food, he said, and denied US accusations against the SAF of obstructing the arrival of aid. Explaining that they did not refuse to transport relief from abroad, but demanded the implementation of the “Jeddah Declaration” of humanitarian principles.
The military official – who preferred to remain anonymous – added, “The rebel militia wants to use the airports it controls in Darfur for military supplies and transporting mercenaries from abroad, and not use them for humanitarian aid,” affirming that the SAF will not allow relief to be transported across the border from abroad except with guarantees.
So that it is not exploited to support the “rebel militia,” as happened in Operation “Lifeline,” which was launched by the UN to provide relief to South Sudan during the civil war in the 1980s.

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