Screening of Movies by the Sudanese Film Group

Sudan Events: Magda Hassan
At an evening for the Sudanese Film Group, in Cairo, three films were shown yesterday, by directors from the Sudanese Film Group, where the film (The Station) by director Al-Tayeb Mahdi, which was produced in 1989, one of the pioneers of filmmaking in Sudan, and whose film “The Station” was shown, was shown.
The film “Desire” by promising director Mahira Selim, which was produced in 2015, as well as the film “Road,” which was produced in 2016.
Following the screening, discussions took place between the audience and the directors in a discussion session that touched on several aspects of the production, filming and self-financing process for the film industry in Sudan and the role played by state institutions in general in the process of supporting the film industry, if any.
The discussion concluded that the film industry was completely eliminated by after the collapse of Numeiri’s regime in 1989, as well as the role of filmmakers in presenting local issues in a cinematic context.