
How to Defeat an Army by Relief ? (1)

By: Ambassador Abdullah Al-Azraq

For three years, starting in 1992, I represented Sudan in Operation Lifeline – Sudan, which had its operationsheadquarters in Nairobi, where I was a diplomat.
This experience allowed me to see closely the goals of that malicious operation, which harmed Sudan greatly.
The essence of the objectives of that operation was to revive Garang’s movement, and even to strengthen it vis-à-vis our army. It was a biased operation, far from pure, despite the claim that it was a humanitarian operation.
The United Nations and Arab countries considered it at the time as the largest “humanitarian relief” operation in the world!!!
Its budget for the year was about $225 million.
Some say that the budget in the final stages has exceeded one billion dollars.
It includes dozens of organizations under its wing; This is apart from the unregistered organizations.
In light of the failure of the government of Al-Sayyid Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi to feed and supply the army, US Secretary of State Shultz threatened Al-Sadiq that America would intervene by airdropping food without the approval of the government of Sudan, so Al-Sayyid Al-Sadiq humbly accepted Operation Lifeline, whose agreement stipulated that it was a humanitarian operation sponsored by the United Nations and providing food to both sides of the conflict neutrally and without bias. It is based on the supply of food through “Tranquility corridors”
Al-Sayyid Al-Sadiq was subjected to enormous pressure to accept it, after rejecting the previous operation known as Operation Rainbow in 1986.
Thus, the lifeline was as Adhesion Contract.
This was the first clear violation of our sovereignty.
The matter was imposed in the manner of the people of Athens on their opponents, the people of Milan, who forced them to surrender and pay tribute, while they were submissive, saying:
“The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”
Thus, the elite in control of the crisis of affairs at the time did not care with the dignity of a people, by accepting the process while knowing that those who were pressuring them were the Westerners, who inherited injustice since before Hellenic civilization. Studies have said that their civilization is the civilization that has killed the most people in a thousand years… and the matter of Gaza is not far from us.
It is known to observers the connection between Western governments and the process of building a network of organizations.
The close relationship between USAID and the CIA is well known, which has existed since the agency was established in the year 1960 .
Humanitarian organizations are controlled through the funding that aid allocates to them.
In recent years, a trend has emerged to further strengthen the relationship between aid, intelligence, and elite branches of the US military. This trend has been labeled “Militarization of the Agency,” with the aim of accelerating change for governments that the US government wishes to “disrupt.”
The author William Blum wrote about this in detail.
Perhaps the best book written about the exploitation of so-called “humanitarian operations” is the book “Lords of Poverty”, written by Graham Hancock, which exposed the bias and corruption of organizations, including the United Nations organizations that were working in this field in our region in East Africa, and this included the corruption of Operation Lifeline and its favoritism towards the rebel movement and its hostility to our army and the North.
In 2009, our friend, Ustaz/ Mohammad Osman Ibrahim (Mo), wrote an article in which he warned of the danger of these organizations.
He talked about Boomerang Aid, which I mentioned in my previous article. He stated that the budget of the organizations operating in Sudan at the time amounted to one billion and eight hundred million dollars, and how they were wasting it on matters that theoretically do not benefit the victims and target groups.
Mohammad cited what our sister Dambisa Moyo said in her book “Dead Aid”, which The Guardian (February 19, 2009) described as coming at a time when books on big ideas presented by women are scarce, and in which organizations and the lie of humanitarian aid to Africa are exposed.
He pointed to the selectivity of the so-called international community, and the danger of the international relief community, which resembles the mafia, representing its danger in reaction to the incident by the government’s expulsion of thirteen employees of organizations in Sudan, which led to “feeling that it is end of the world”. This was at a time when Isaias Afwerki (Chrysostom) expelled all the organizations in Eritrea and did not bring to himself that harmful (or white men reaction) as what was launched against Sudan.
In my consideration, they classify Eritrea as a Christian country despite the majority of its Muslim population!!!
Ustaz is not an intellectual with a deep culture, and an arbiter whose judgement is satisfied.
In our Sudanese experience in the days of the south, organizations that supplied the rebellion with weapons were seized.
Intelligence documented that the Red Cross, World Vision, Norwegian Church Aid, and Christian Solidarity smuggled weapons to the rebels and provided them with military equipment. This included organizations not officially registered with Operation Lifeline, which were infiltrating the south from Kenya and Uganda.
I have witnessed and experienced first-hand the bias of the United Nations employees supervising the operation against Sudan.
The three most important figures in the operation’s Nairobi office at that time were:
The Irishman Philip O’Brien is a Coordinator for UNICEF, a German representative for the World Food Program (WFP) named Hanoush, and a Frenchman called Jean-Luc Siblo… all three of them are hostile to us, they favor the rebel movement and favor it by providing relief.
It was this trio that alerted me to the fact that the neutrality of Western international officials is a myth of international politics.
March 6, 2024

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