Society & Culture

Sudanese Drama in Ramadan…Out of the Norm

Events – Magda Hassan

Despite the conditions of war and diaspora the Sudanese audience follows two Sudanese series on YouTube channels produced within these situations .
The series (Fate) and (Fragile Nerve) attracted great attention of the audience, and many tweets and blogs were devoted to talking about the two works, both negatively and positively.
The series (Fate), starring the singer Ahmed Al-Jeger and Ruby, was executed, with new Sudanese actors residing abroad.
The series tell a love story about which the actor and producer Ahmed Al-Jeger commented, saying: “There are many strange stories between humans and jinn.”
Sacrifices, concessions, punishments, major crimes, and these strange relationships may lead to devastating and cruel results, and this is what the Destiny series expresses.”
He added: “The value of a Sudanese drama that tells a lot of things that are left unsaid and secrets that not all people know.”
(Fate) Experience in the field of dramatic production undertaken by Ahmed Al-Jeger is considered one of the positives that are considered for Sudanese drama.
As the effort of a new generation, it broke the traditional context, as well as from the traditional complaint about the state’s lack of support for drama production, and challenged the difficulties represented by the poverty of production and the drama industry, relying on modern media in everything, broadcasting and promotion, searching for sponsorship, and departing from the norm, or submitting to the traditional media, which became mute in the year of war.
The other series (Fragile Nerve), starring Musab Omar and singer Monica Robert, highlighted Monica’s talent, which was appreciated, particularly since it is not her first experience in the field of acting.
Many people believe that her talent in acting is better than her talent in singing, and the two series are credited with creating a new spirit and development in drama in terms of dialogue, dramatic structure, acting performance (spontaneous), directing, photography, camera movement, decoration.
This does not necessarily mean that there are no technical problems. Here and there.
It is noted that singers are involved in dramatic work – which is not new – but what is new is their participation in production, which has created a paid existence for them. For the fourth year in a row, Al-Jeger remained a star and a dramatic hero through (Way of Loss) (Zanda), and he appreciated that the experience improved his performance, and he even began working hard to consolidate his experience in acting. (Fragile Nerve), produced and directed by Haitham Al-Amin, had the largest share of criticism for his departure from the familiar line of Sudanese series.
Even if the idea of ​​the two series has not left the normal social issues that embody the struggle of good and evil in its traditional sense, the traditional love story and the conflict over the heroine, perhaps Sudan’s current circumstances have formed the nucleus of a new drama whose heroes are Sudanese abroad.
It is worth noting that the two series represent a Sudanese trend for out-of-the-ordinary works presented in a different space, and no matter how the audience disagrees about them, negatively or positively, they remain the nucleus of a Sudanese drama that is widely followed.

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