Society & Culture

Al-Mawsili: (Al-Hajrouk Alia) is an oppressed song

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan


Musician Dr. Youssef Al-Mousili said that the song (Al-Hajarouk Alia), which brought him together with the late poet Dr. Izz al-Din Hilali did not find the attestion it deserved in the official channels (radio and television) due to the clear national implications of freedom, women, and steadfastness.

Al-Mawsili explained that he had several similarities with the late Izz al-Din Hilali, “I had many similarities with Hilali in creativity, friendship, and unparalleled brotherhood.” He addes.

Al-Mawsili said that the late wrote a patriotic text that amazed him, and it was the song (Al-Hajrouk Alia), which did not find its full potential or the song is oppressed, according to his opinion, “I sang for him one of my tunes in many worka, first with “You are mine” and then “The credit goes to her”, sung after me by the artist Othman Zaryab, then the song (New Dimensions) composed by Dr. Salah Mohamed Hassan, then the song (Pulse of the Street) composed by Dr. Anas Al-Aqib, followed by and performed by the late artist Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, the song (Your Distance and Your Closeness Makes Me Happy), and also composed for the artist Ali Al-Saqeed Saka Nadiya or (You made the heart beat again).

“Cooperation continued to extend with him until the last moments.” Al-Mawsili said. “During the glorious December Revolution, a tune based on Hilali’s words (Freedom, Peace and Justice), which was sung by the orchestra and the Khartoum Philharmonic Choir.” He added.

Al-Mawsili stressed that despite the great and extended cooperation, the song Al-Hajrouk Ali had a special impact on himself.

“Despite the great cooperation, the song “Al-Hajrouk Alia” and “You Are Mine” have a different status for me.” He said. “The song “Al-Hajrouk Alia” was original. We agreed on it out of belief in the possibility of creating variations on the traditional singing genre.” He added.

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