
Minister of Finance checks on the strategic stock of grains

Sudan Events – Follow-ups


The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Jibril Ibrahim Mohamed, reassured the current status of the strategic grain reserve in the country.

On Thursday, the minister participated in a meeting with Abdullah Ibrahim Ali, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance, and Dr. Muhammad Adam, Director General of the Sudanese Agricultural Bank. During the meeting, a report from the Sudanese Agricultural Bank was reviewed on the volume of production and available stock of grains in the various production areas, with a focus on the states of Gedaref, Sennar, Blue Nile and White Nile, especially the production of maize and wheat in the northern and Nile states.

During the discussion, the means available for storing and distributing the corn crop were completed, in addition to discussing safe methods and effective paths to deliver the crop to areas of need in the various states, while increasing storage capacity and improving the infrastructure to ensure its timely arrival.

During the meeting, preparations for the summer agricultural season were also discussed, which include financing policies and the provision of agricultural inputs, in addition to encouraging farmers to increase productivity by offering remunerative and stimulating purchasing prices to producers.

The attendees stressed the importance of accelerating the construction of a strategic stock of grains, especially the corn crop, in coordination between the Ministry of Finance and the Sudanese Agricultural Bank, while working to establish equipped warehouses in central areas close to areas of need in the various states, including the states of Kordofan, Darfur, and Khartoum.

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