
Sudan: Britain is Partner in Responsibility for Atrocities Committed by the Militia

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has criticized Britain’s intervention and changing the nature of the UN Security Council meeting on Monday, which was supposed to be devoted to discussing the UAE’s aggression against Sudan, to become a meeting about the situation in Sudan in general and the El Fasher region in particular.
The Sudanese Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday, “With reference to the closed consultation session held by the Security Council on Monday on Sudan, according to the Council’s listed agenda, the meeting was supposed to be devoted to the issue of the UAE aggression against Sudan, represented by the multi-faceted sponsorship of the terrorist militia, in light of the speech of the Permanent Representative of Sudan to the President of the Security Council on April 26, 2024, in which he requested that an urgent meeting of the Council be held to discuss the matter.
The Foreign Ministry added, “Britain, which proclaims itself the pen-holder in Sudan’s affairs, intervened to change the formats and nature of the meeting, so that it became a meeting about the situation in Sudan in general and the El Fasher region in particular. This coincided with what the British newspaper “The Sunday Times” revealed on April 28, 2024, that the UAE is putting intense pressure on Britain to protect it in the Security Council, after exposing its role in fueling the war in Sudan with its continued support for the terrorist Rapid Support militia (RSF). It stated that the UAE canceled four ministerial meetings with Britain to force it to intervene in confronting the complaint submitted by Sudan.
The statement added, “The closed consultation session was held on Monday morning, during which the members demanded that the militia stop its hostilities around El Fasher and pledge not to attack any city. They called on the regional parties to adhere to the arms embargo on Darfur in accordance with Resolution 1591. They also called for the resumption of the Jeddah negotiations, and the need to facilitate the arrival of humanitarian aid without obstacles, and with respect for international humanitarian law, the meeting did not come up with any decisions and was satisfied with the statement issued on April 27.”
The Foreign Ministry expressed its regret for Britain’s denial of its moral and political duty as a permanent member of the Security Council and its obligation to address Sudan’s issues in the Council, and by virtue of its colonial past in Sudan, the bad effects of which are still continuing, in exchange for its commercial interests with the UAE.
The Foreign Ministry said, “Britain’s protection of the largest financiers of the war in Sudan, coupled with what was revealed by the British press that the British government held secret meetings with the RSF militia, which met all the characteristics of terrorist groups, makes it a partner in responsibility for the atrocities committed by the terrorist militia and its sponsor, and a supporter of escaping terrorism punishment.”
The statement added, “This shameful step by Britain, and the leniency shown by the Western countries, permanent members of the Council, towards the atrocities of the militia and its sponsor, the UAE, will not deter Sudan from using all ways and means to protect its people, sovereignty and dignity. The credibility of the Security Council and its ability to carry out its role in protecting peace and security remains intact.” The international community and loyalty to the principles and ideals of the United Nations Charter are constantly being tested. We hope that the efforts of the members of the Council who believe in justice, peaceful coexistence and respect for the sovereignty of states will combine to pass it successfully.”

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