Defa Allah: The militia prepared their food on the fire of musical instruments
Sudan Events – Magda Hassan
The artist and director of the Musical Instruments Museum, Dafallah Al-Hajj, said that this day passes for the second time and the Musical Instruments Museum is under the devastation of war.
“We learned that the militias had prepared their food on the fire of the musical instruments in the museum, which they broke and lit to fill their hungry stomachs to destroy the cultural heritage of the Sudanese people.” He added. “On this day we light the candle of hope to begin collecting the instruments and reviving the Museum of Musical Instruments. If they burn the instruments, they will not be able to burn those experiences and mentalities that created it. Sudanese minds are still full with much creativity. My Sudan live strong with the culture it inherited that extends for centuries, and may every year the museums of Sudan are good and sound.” He added.