Society & Culture

Stopping the war is the most important scene is being worked on

Stopping the war is the most important scene is being worked on

Head of the Dramatists Syndicate, Al-Rashid Ahmed Issa: Art is peace.

*The Janjaweed were condemned and they have nothing to do with Sudan

*The Sudan issue is the issue of the true artist

*The elites do not have any cultural legislator, and cultural illiteracy is widespread among politicians.

*Drama is the highest form of art in human expression

The head of the Dramatists Syndicate, Al-Rashid Ahmed Issa, announced yesterday that he will not participate in any work that does not support stopping the war, a war that he believes is claiming the lives of Sudanese, and in which he considered his wife a martyr in Gezira State. The events sought him to know his vision of what he mentioned, as he explained through his following dialogue that stopping the war is more important. The scenes he is working on, the political drama, the war, are in one knot, which we will unpack in this conversation.

Dialogue: Magda Hassan

*You announced yesterday that you will not participate in any cultural action that does not go towards stopping the war. What is the reason for that sudden decision?

It is not surprising that for several reasons I decided that any activity that would not stop the war I do not support. God is peace, art is peace. Any artist who does not seek peace must look for another profession. The artist is with beauty, not ugliness, with stability, security, and construction, not demolition.

*So what are the strongest reasons for this decision?

One of the crises of this great country is that those who claim to be its elite live in a strange state of schizophrenia. They talk about the country with all this beauty and flowery language, but they are unable to move an inch towards what is happening in the country.
I believe that the whole world is witnessing that there is a severe crisis in Sudan at the level of food and health, and at the level of the daily killing rampant on the island, Darfur, and in Khartoum. The issue is that if its people do not address it, no one will address it. The world is busy, and the media is directed to specific issues. International channels are seeking fresh news.
As for the forgotten war, the Sudan war, I believe that there is a major conspiracy on all sides, and if the concerned parties are distracted with their normal lives without any feeling towards any humanitarian issues, will the world be preoccupied with us?

*How do you see the role of artists at this stage?

The so-called artists in Cairo and elsewhere are artists who were not produced by the Salvation regime in its recent deterioration and decline, the so-called Qunats, and similar deviants, and they are many, in addition to what social media has brought forth, which shows people presenting material that does not rise to any level, becoming famous, and reaching unimaginable heights. All of this, and we are so far away from the issues of our society, from our people who die every day, and from this humanitarian catastrophe that harmed all our people in Sudan.

*Are you saying that they are far from the issues of the Sudanese people?

The Sudanese people are my family and their issues are my issue. What do I discuss as an artist and what do I offer to the world other than human issues and dealing with its crises, and this is the role of the true artist. Therefore, I believe that any attempt to divert from our issues is an escape, and our biggest crisis is that we have left the matter to a powerless, fragmented elite that has brought the homeland to heights that man cannot imagine because they never agreed on the homeland, but rather they agreed on the chair. All the agreements now do not concern me. What concerns us is to stop the war immediately, without any conditions, to stop the waste of lives.

*Stopping the war without condemning the violator?

I strongly condemn the Rapid Support. These killers Janjaweed. They have nothing to do with Sudan or with the people of Sudan. Any party that embellishes that. This party must also be condemned. What they are doing is a terrible thing. I hope that the Sudanese army, which we love, respect and honor, will not react in this way. The army is patriotic and nationalistic and represents all of Sudan.

*Stopping the war is a wish and a goal, but how?

The country is in a critical stage and we are against the Janjaweed and the revolution was clear from the beginning and its slogan was the Janjaweed is dissolving. The time of intimidation is over. What remains after you kill my wife? Now a Sudanese person is being killed in cold blood and everyone is watching. The death toll sometimes reaches 100 people a day on the island. What is hidden is greater

*So stopping the war is the most important scene you are working on?

There is no cultural scene more important than the scene of stopping the war, and it is a war with no victor, as they said. Politicians must realize that the Hilo agreements are not a solution. The solution is to stop the war immediately because it has expanded, and as the leader of the Janjaweed stated, he cannot control his forces, and all of this harms the simple people of Sudan who believe that their elite will lead them towards advancement, progress, and the realization of dreams, security, and stability, but these elites are in a maze which extents to only God knows.

*What’s wrong with Sudanese drama?

This is a very complex issue, especially in a society that suffers from ignorance and backwardness, ignorance of its various types, which suffers from illiteracy in writing and reading, which exceeds 60%, then urban illiteracy, and most recently, cultural illiteracy, which constitutes the largest percentage, and it is undoubtedly considered so, because the rates of illiteracy in writing and reading and urban illiteracy affect the cultural level.

*What’s the role of drama at this stage?

Drama is the highest form of art in expressing a person. It is a reflection of his social existence. It carries its questions, anxieties, concerns, and crises. Drama reproduces these questions in an aesthetic body through which a person can see himself and face it because it provokes his stable reaction and motivates him to think. Through it, he can Man changes.

*What is your evaluation of the current drama works?

The drama presented and presented now suffers from many errors in the technical treatments and the idea, and perhaps the source of this diarrhea is
This is the deep trap into which Sudanese life has fallen. Perhaps the discussion here includes the entirety of our lives, as the drama is a reflection of this monstrosity that Sudanese society has suffered from as a result of the deterioration of the elites at all levels, the first of which is the political elites that are fighting for power and they do not have any national renaissance project to build this country, the first of which is the cultural project is perhaps the greatest cultural illiteracy among politicians, and in general, this is a thorny and complex topic, but it deserves to start a serious dialogue about it.

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