
After Apology from its Prominent Components, who will Taqadum Meet in Addis Ababa?

Sudan Events – Abdul Basit Idris

Disagreements intensified within the coalition for the Coordination of Democratic Civil Forces, “Taqaddum,” and came to the surface following the apology of its most prominent components, represented by the National Umma and Baath parties, from participating in the coalition conference scheduled to be held at the end of this month in Addis Ababa.
Alliance components:
Taqadum, which was formed as an alternative alliance to the Forces of Freedom and Change, includes the Central Council group consisting of the National Umma Party, the Arab Socialist Baath Party of origin, the Sudanes, Congress Party, the Unionist Assembly, and the Popular Movement for Democratic Change, Arman’s wing.
Rejection and apology:
In addition, the Rapporteur of the Presidential Council of the National Umma Party issued a statement in which it announced the party’s rejection of the approach according to which the party’s representatives were chosen to participate in the founding conference of (Taqadum), which took place without the institution of the Presidency, the Coordination Council, and the party’s institutions elected in the states, and most invitations were directed to party cadres in a personal capacity. In a selective manner.
The statement said that the National Umma Party pushed for a reform vision to be advanced, and expressed its readiness to cooperate with it to develop it so that it can achieve its primary goal of stopping the war, as stated in its written vision, which he was keen to deliver to the coordination leadership with a high-level delegation, and the response to it was in a book under research by the relevant party institutions. However, Taqadum’s approach to selecting the party’s representatives does not fit with the party’s keenness to develop joint work mechanisms, and it decided to refuse to participate in any event that does not follow the proper methods of calling for it, especially the founding conference of Taqadum, in which it did not follow the institutional framework in selecting the party’s representatives.
In this context, the Arab Socialist Baath Party issued a statement in which it announced its apology for attending and participating in the conference, because the party is not part of Taqaddum Alliance.
The statement added, “We will work to form the expanded front in accordance with the vision and program that our party initiated to present to the political and social forces to stop the war, confront its consequences, and continue the struggle to achieve a democratic transformation led by a real civil authority, and the sustainability of the pluralistic democratic system that expresses the interests and aspirations of the majority of the people.”
The statement pointed out that the Arab Socialist Baath Party operates in accordance with its free will, the traditions of its peaceful democratic struggle and the preservation of its unity, sovereignty and independence.
Roots of disagreement:
Knowledgeable sources told Sudan Events that the disputes revolve around many issues, most notably the reservations of some coordination leaders regarding Hamdok’s leadership of the coalition and the leadership structure that exceeds the weight and leadership weight of the coalition’s political and popular components and the clash of the mediating cadres of the coalition parties with Hamdouk k’s group known as the “Al-Mazraa Group,” which was described as “the farm group.” That it dominates the decision and speaking on behalf of the coalition, bypassing the leaders of the revolutionary forces, in addition to financial disputes related to the issue of the lack of disclosure and transparency in obtaining coalition funding and its disbursements.
Other sources had previously revealed to (Sudan Events )
A few months after the formation of Taqadum, a wave of divisions and disagreements struck the alliance as a result of the intense competition between its factions for control and leadership. Informed sources told (Sudan Events ) that major differences came to light during the Taqadum meetings in Cairo, after the Vice President of the National Umma Party came forward. Maryam Al-Sadiq submitted a request to Taqadum President Abdullah Hamdouk to carry out reforms and restructure the new alliance, hinting at leaving the National Umma Party if these reforms are not completed, at the top of which is Taqadum’s commitment to neutrality towards the ongoing war between the army and the Rapid Support rebels.
Big dilemmas:
The remainder of the Taqaddam coalition, consisting of the Sudanese Congress, the Arman Movement, and the Babiker Faisal group, faces major challenges, the most important of which is the army’s refusal to communicate with it after Al-Burhan confirmed not to talk to any party before the end of the battle to resolve the rebellion, and Lieutenant General Ibrahim Jaber’s statement that the army will not be a party to any agreement with any political party. In addition, Lieutenant General Al-Atta confirmed that the next stage will be constitutive and without the participation of political parties.
On the legal level, the leaders of Taqadum are facing parliamentary charges of involvement in the war with Hemedti’s militia, as well as a widespread popular campaign of treason accusing the leaders of Taqadum of siding with the militia that displaced, emigrated, and plundered them.
On the political level, it is met with the advance of a civil front that resists its exclusionary approach and rejects its dominance of the transitional scene. It includes more than forty parties and armed movements that have signed the peace agreement, in addition to the failure of the coalition to make any breakthrough in restoring the original Baath Party, which froze its activity early on, or attracting the movements of Al-Hilu and Abdul Wahid and a strong coalition. Radical change led by the Communist Party and the resistance committees.
Many observers believe that it is fighting a battle for its own survival, let alone the expansion of its alliance to include others.

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