
In search of secularism… Sudan, Multiplicity of Platforms and Initiatives and Lack of Keys

In search of secularism..
Sudan.. Multiplicity of Platforms and Initiatives and Lack of Keys

Sudan Events – Amir Abdul Majid

Between the Nairobi Declaration, the Hamdouk Nour Agreement, the government’s negotiations with Al-Hilu, and the talk about an expected return to the Jeddah negotiations, the military or political solution in Sudan has become hostage to several platforms and open to many possibilities, while the citizen whose debts fall on his head, whose loved ones are kidnapped, and whose Janjaweed hordes enter daily into his areas and kill his family, does not see You plunder them and rape their freedoms. There is no reflection of what he is suffering in these scenes, neither in the Hamdouk and Nour agreement nor in the Nairobi Declaration and the Jeddah negotiations sessions, which earlier provided opportunity after opportunity for rapid support to expand and occupy more citizens’ homes. Is there hope that these platforms, despite their number, will produce a solution? It satisfies the Sudanese and puts them before a different reality.
Out of control
The American special envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello, believes that the next round of Jeddah negotiations will produce good results. The man based what he says on the fact that he has reached, through his communication with the various parties in the Sudanese crisis, that everyone has reached the conviction that what is happening is a situation that is slowly getting out of control and that no one will benefit. From him.. (i.e. peace for the exhausted parties). This is Perriello’s vision, which is matched by another corresponding vision, but it is not far from Perriello in its content. It was expressed by Rakha Ahmed Hassan, the former Egyptian Assistant Foreign Minister, that the current conflict is a fight to the death and that there is no hope for peace until one party is eliminated. What about the other?
Deepening the crisis
Political researcher Faisal Al-Toum says (Pirillo’s views on the Jeddah negotiations do not differ from the ideas presented by Volker Peretz, which later deepened the crisis and was one of the reasons for the ignition of this war. Therefore, I do not think that Perriello has anything new to offer in Jeddah other than threats and threats and adopting a vision that presents a solution). He added, “In all the leaks that came out from the facilitators, the man proposes military negotiations for a ceasefire and political negotiations on the same track, which is something that was previously rejected by the armed forces, which have declared their vision repeatedly that political negotiations will not begin before the war stops completely and the Rapid Support militia withdraws from civilian objects and cities, and this is It is something that Perriello will not accept, who adopts a vision of Taqaddum that does not have papers to sit at the table except for the paper of the presence of the Rapid Support militia in people’s homes and cities. Therefore, I do not think that Jeddah will be held, and if it is held, it will not present anything new because the ideas presented would restore rapid support and Taqaddum scene, and this is something that the Sudanese will not accept. After they lived and experienced it,” he continued, “Whoever is moving the scene now is moving it with the same mentality as Perriello, who believes that the Islamists in Sudan are the obstacle to it and that they must be liquidated by establishing secular alliances between the various political bodies, whether civilian or military, and this is now clear in the agreement of Abdul Wahed Mohamed Nour with Hamdouk and others.” It was called the Nairobi Declaration, which conditioned the unity of the country and stopping the war on the state being secular. It clearly said that unless the state places secularism in its constitution, the Sudanese peoples must be granted directly the right to self-determination, and in the demands of Al-Hilu, who conditional the agreement to pass humanitarian aid on a political settlement that demands “With the secularism of Sudan,” he said, “This is a matter that has become exposed now.”
The Nairobi Declaration, which was signed between Abdullah Hamdouk and the head of the Sudan Liberation Movement, Abdul Wahed Mohamed Nour, stipulated the call to stop the war, establish a civil state, and grant the right to self-determination to the peoples of Sudan in the event that the principles of the agreement were not included in the permanent constitution of the country. The declaration called for the establishment of a secular state that would stand at a distance. One between religions, cultures, and identities, and the establishment of a civil state in which Sudanese are equal in power and wealth.
Burning boats
This agreement caused confusion even within the Taqadum coordination, as the declaration of a secular state clashes, for example, with the references of the Umma Party active within Taqadum, something that reduced its impact. Dr. Osama Hanafi, professor of political science at the University of Sudan, said that the Umma Party will only hum but in the end it will submit to the fait accompli because it burned its boats and cannot return now because its bet is on international and regional powers and not on its masses. Therefore, I think it will only relent and will not take any position on state secularism. He added, “What I notice here is that the matter does not support the opinion of the stakeholders or their interests, as it is illogical for Hamdok and Abdel Wahid to decide that Sudan should become a secular state, nor for Al-Hilu to decide. This is a strange matter. These people seem to be living on another planet instead of discussing mechanisms to stop the war.” Which they brag day and night that they are working to stop it, and instead of discussing compensation and rebuilding the country, they are discussing secularism and deciding about it, which is something that I do not think is one of the people’s concerns currently. He added, “Al-Hilu prevents relief from reaching the people and links its passage to a political settlement that guarantees him that Sudan will be secular.” It seems that the cards of war are beginning to unfold and that what is behind the lines of some international and regional powers is beginning to appear. He continued, “This war’s international and regional parties are beginning to reveal what they have in mind.”

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