Society & Culture

Competition for Film Society Festival Awards

Sudan Events – agencies

The management of the Annual Film Society Festival for Egyptian Cinema revealed the list of films that will be shown during the Golden Jubilee, which will be held this year from June 1 to 9 next at the Artistic Creativity Center Cinema at the Cairo Opera House under the slogan “Long Live the Resistance… Long Live Palestine.”
Out of 368 Egyptian, Arab and foreign cinematic films shown during the year 2023 in Egyptian cinemas, only 5 Egyptian films were selected out of 42 films through a general referendum of critics, filmmakers and members of the Film Association to choose the best 8 films shown during the past year.
The films, according to the date of their release in Egyptian theaters, are “19 B” by director Ahmed Abdullah Al-Sayed, “Beit Al-Ruby” by director Peter Mimi, “Wish Fi Wish” by director Walid Al-Halafawi, and “Foy Foy Foy” by director Omar Hilal, which are the four films. The makers of these films will compete for many awards, including the best actor in a first and second role, for women and men, and the best décor, photography, montage, mixing, make-up, soundtrack, soundtrack, and visual effects, by the jury, while the film “Shamarekh” by director Amr Salama will be screened outside the competition.
The jury consists of the film director Hani Lashin as chairman, and the membership of Dr. Rania Yahya, Dean of the Higher Institute of Art Criticism at the Academy of Arts, Dr. Rahma Montaser, the film editor, the professor of editing at the Film Institute, the film critic Tariq Al-Shennawi, the film director Adel Al-Aasar, the film director and president of the Union of Trade Unions Artist Omar Abdel Aziz, Dr. Ghada Jbara, President of the Academy of Arts, film critic Magda Khairallah, Magda Morris, Dr. Mohsen Ahmed, director of photography and film director, Dr. Mahmoud Mohsen, cinematographer and professor of decoration at the Cinema Institute, sound and sound engineer Magdy Kamel, and film critic Walid Seif.
For the first time, the festival displays exceptionally on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee, three Arab films from among the 14 films shown in Egyptian theaters: “Mediterranean Fever” by director Maha Haj, produced by Palestine, Qatar, Cyprus, Germany and France, and “Science” by director Firas Khoury, produced by Palestine. Tunisia and France, and finally the film “Goodbye Julia” by director Mohamed Kordofani, which is a joint production between Sudan, Germany, Egypt, Sweden, and Saudi Arabia.
These films will be shown during the festival days, and each film will be followed by a seminar with its makers. These seminars that follow the screening of the films are part of the nature of the work of the Film Society and its educational role. The award for the best foreign film has also been revived again after it had been suspended since the 26th session of the festival, where nearly 300 foreign films from different nationalities were released in Egyptian cinemas during the past year.

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