
Kidnapping children…the Militia Practices Child trafficking

The participants in the founding conference of the Coordination of Democratic Civil Forces (Taqaddam) could not control themselves when the farmer representative (Ibrahim Ranfi) spoke at the opening session of the conference, Monday, in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, about the violations committed by the Rapid Support Militia (RSF) in the state of Gezira. They clearly interrupted him which confirmed that they stand by the rebellion and do not condemn its humanitarian crimes against the Sudanese people, from which not even children were spared.

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

Since its rebellion against the Sudanese Armed Forces in April of last year, the RSF Militia has continued to practice the worst types of humanitarian violations against Sudanese society in all its segments and types, including children, against whom the militia has carried out widespread violations, including kidnapping, rape, murder, forced recruitment, and other things, which is what was found. Widespread condemnations at home and abroad.
New incident
In a new incident that shook Sudanese public opinion and sparked widespread controversy over the past few days due to the practices of the terrorist RSF militia, a force affiliated with the militia kidnapped l11-year-old girl in the village of Mikarka in Gezira State. The force threatened the child’s family to kill her unless their demands of handing over money, property and car keys were implemented. .
Unethical framework
The Secretary-General of the National Council for Child Welfare, Professor Abdul Qadir Abdullah Aboh, confirms that the RSF militia’s kidnapping of a girl in the village of Makraka in Al Kamlin locality in Gezira state is an issue outside the moral framework, and he said it is something the rebel militia has become accustomed to.
Aboh indicated to (Sudan Events) that the militia requested an amount of 10 million as ransom in exchange for releasing the child from captivity or killing her after they did what they wanted in terms of intimidation and immoral acts, indicating that the incident is an example of the grave violations that the United Nations spoke about, and it protects people with a law and a great social project. He asked, “I don’t know where she is now with the justifications she sees with her own eyes?”
The Secretary-General of the National Council for Child Welfare pointed out that the militia’s kidnapping of the girl is an example of a number of examples in Khartoum State, the Darfur Region and West Kordofan. He said that the militia’s violations are one of the six grave violations that the United Nations spoke about in the context of human protection.
Previous violations
The recent kidnapping of the girl by the militia was not the first in the record of the rebellion, which is full of serious violations against children and others, as the RSF militia had previously kidnapped children in the Shabona Fadil area, south of Gezira State, and imposed a financial ransom on their families amounting to at least 500,000 Sudanese pounds in exchange for their release. The militia also kidnapped a number of children in the village of Tabet al-Sheikh Al-Mahmoud and threatened them with death or conscription. The militia demanded that the village people pay a ransom of large sums of money to release them.
Violation of indicators
The Secretary-General of the National Council for Child Welfare, Professor Abdul Qadir Abdullah Abuh, in his interview with Sudan Events, goes on to say that the militia has committed numerous violations against children, including forced recruitment, murder, kidnapping and rape, in a number of Sudanese states, including Khartoum State, Greater Kordofan State, and the Darfur Region. He pointed out that The militia violated United Nations indicators, of which Sudan is a member. He said that the militia’s actions are evidence of its malice, calling for the enactment of deterrent sanctions against it and classifying it as a terrorist organization due to its violations. He stressed that the process of detaining the child is a disgraceful and immoral act and continued: * Animals refuse to do this and that it is dirty behavior, contrary to earthly and heavenly laws.”
Effect size
In a recent press release from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), it revealed, according to reliable reports, that at least 435 children were killed and 2,025 injured in the past 100 days – a rate of more than one case every hour.
UNICEF said that the extent of the impact of the conflict on children in Sudan in the past 100 days is almost beyond comprehension. Parents and grandparents who lived through previous cycles of violence are now watching their children and grandchildren face similar horrific experiences. Every day, children are killed, injured, abducted and see schools, hospitals, vital infrastructure and the life-saving supplies they depend on damaged, destroyed or looted.
Shocking statistics
According to UNICEF, three months after the RSF rebellion against the Sudanese Armed Forces, 1.7 million children were forced to leave their homes with their families and move within Sudan and across its borders, exposing them to hunger, disease, violence, and separation from their families. It evealed increasing reports of kidnappings, child recruitment and ethnic-based violence, pointing out that at least 690,000 children are exposed to severe acute malnutrition and 1.7 million children under the age of one are at risk of missing critical vaccines, which increases the risk of disease outbreaks. UNICEF urgently needs $400 million to support and scale up critical life-saving assistance in health, nutrition, water and sanitation, education and protection for the most vulnerable children caught up in the crisis.
Refusal to report
The Rapid Support Militia’s violations against children are not limited to the horrific statistics provided by a number of trusted bodies only
There are other numbers that are difficult to reach due to the reluctance of families to report cases of kidnapping and forced disappearance practiced by the RSF Militia against children for several reasons, including stigma and the lack of mechanisms for reporting, in addition to the fear of revenge. These considerations together contribute to the reluctance of families to report.

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