
International organizations warn of running out of time to save millions of Sudanese from imminent famine.

The Permanent Committee of UN Agencies and international organizations issued serious warnings due to the obstruction of combatant parties in relief efforts and inadequate funding. They highlighted the urgency to address the imminent famine facing millions of Sudanese, with 3.6 million children suffering from severe malnutrition. The situation is particularly dire in states like Darfur, Kordofan, Jazeera, and Khartoum. Relief workers face systemic obstacles and deliberate access denial by conflict parties. Concerns were raised over limited donor support, with only 16% of the required $2.7 billion being funded six weeks after the International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan in Paris. The statement emphasized the need for donors to fulfill their pledges and expedite additional funding, stressing the necessity of life-saving aid, including seeds before the end of the planting season. Without immediate and significant changes, a catastrophic scenario is imminent, with widespread famine, increased refugee flows, and more child deaths due to diseases and malnutrition. Combatant parties were urged to take immediate measures to protect civilians, end sexual violence, facilitate unimpeded aid access, and halt any actions impeding, interfering with, or politicizing humanitarian work.

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