
Political, Security and Legal axes workshop Kick-off in Gezira University

Khartoum – Sudan Events

Political, Security and Legal axes workshop kicked off at the international Hall at Gezira University under the theme ( Toward new horizons of potential, security and legal reform of the Sudanese State ) that came in the context of the initiative of Gezira University to solve the Sudanese crisis with wide participation including Chancellors of Universities, legal figures and executive politicians .

Head of the political sciences Dr.Hassan Huessin at the University affirmed that the Sudanese crisis is a topped political and the initiative works to solve the crisis through academicians and experts in political sciences to address the political issue to reach to the required political system to manage Sudan calling on to overcome self dispute and avoid racism and political belongings.

Hussein pointed out importance of determining the problem and setting proposed solutions in the absence of a magical solution and to adopt dialogue and discussion to reach recommendations lead to a political system realises agreement with the society and start to a real political era assist in constructing of the state.

Chancellor of the University Prof. Salah AlDin Mohamed Al Arabi affirmed that the university has tools of change that is a continuous process within a strategic plan be implemented by capable leaders to realise success and be away at failure.

For his part, representative of the ministry of Justice Prof. Ibrahim Deraij said that the initiative is timely to set a vision on the current political condition posting the war.

He called on existing a political will to realise justice and reforming the Sudanese citizen and sovereignty of law to be like ( death that not excepts any one).

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