Society & Culture

Radio and Television Authority’s employees assembly disagree on appointing Sheila as director of the television sector

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The General Authority for Radio and Television’s Workers’ Association announced its reservations about the decision to appoint Ammar Sheila as director of the television sector, at a time when it praised the decision of the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, to retain Ibrahim Al-Buzai as director of the Authority because he expresses its legacies and represents a generation of giants whose giving continues in all difficult tests.
In a statement on Monday, the authority’s employees’ assembly attributed its reservations about appointing Sheila as director of the television sector to the fact that the aforementioned person’s job rank is much lower than that of leaders with prior knowledge and cumulative experience, which creates injustice and inherits injustice.
He pointed out that the decision creates administrative confusion, given that the Authority’s founding law does not stipulate the title of sector director in light of the existence of public departments that manage the matter at the radio and television level.
The statement said that the decision was not consistent with previous experiences in which radio and television were divided into two sectors, as that stage was characterized by many conflicts and quarrels that hindered the work of television during a stage of the previous regime’s rule. This experience is considered one of the worst models of implementing the sector system, which requires its evaluation and study before returning to her.
“For all of the above, and with our appreciation for Professor Ammar Sheila and the good faith of those who issued the decision to appoint him, we call on the government to review the decision in a way that achieves the public interest and preserves the privacy of the authority and the interests of its employees.” He continued.

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