
Cancellation of Investment projects in the Northern state

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Minister of Investment and Industry in charge of the Northern State, Eng. Omar Ali Saleh, issued a decision whereby licenses, benefits, facilities and areas were cancelled for (29) investment projects, services and industries in the Daba locality, with the return of the benefit of the land allocated to the Government of Sudan.
The decision shall be appealed to the Governor of the Northern state within one month from the date of its announcement, and the appeal shall be made at the buildings of the Ministry of Investment and Industry.
The Assistant Registrar General of Lands, head of the Legal Department of Lands in the state, the Director General of Lands, Director General of Surveying, the Director General of Lands and Licenses at the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources, and the Director General of Investment at the Ministry of Investment and Industry in the Northern state shall be responsible for implementing the decision.

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