
Washington’s refusal to recognise Darfur as an independent State.. A new Position or a Tactic

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

In February of this year, US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Vie revealed that President Joe Biden’s administration had placed ending the war in Sudan and restoring rule to civilians as a “priority”. At the time, this statement represented the first American indications of the post-war phase, but the USA remained unstable in its position on the crisis that Sudan is going through, between the US establishment’s support for the SAF on the one hand and the fluctuations of opinions to support the militia on the other hand by siding with the UAE .

Non-recognition :

In a new reaction to the violations committed by the Rapid Support RSF Militia in El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state, US Special Envoy to Sudan Tom Perriello said that some in the Rapid Support Forces RSF believe that controlling El Fasher will help them establish a separatist state in the Darfur region, adding that Washington will not recognize Darfur as an independent state “under any circumstances” according to the BBC.

The Announcer and the Truth

The recent American position on the movements of the Rapid Support Militia in El Fasher raised a number of questions, most notably whether it is a real position or just an American maneuver around the country’s crisis. Commenting on this, the Director of International Relations at the Sudanese Center for Thought and Strategic Studies, Mekki Al-Maghribi, said, “We know the methods of the United States of America in manipulation.
For example, it does not announce recognition of Somaliland, but it gives the green light to transform it into a regional partner for Ethiopia and the Emirates against Egypt and Somalia. This means that the reality of America is the paradox between the announced and the truth.
Al-Maghribi noted in a post on his Facebook page, addressing his speech to the American envoy, “First, it is not true that the Rapid Support sees or thinks. You know this very well. There is a state that sees and thinks for it, and it consults with you and plans with you. Reducing the matter to (some of the militia) is intended to continue to cover up the original perpetrator.” He said, “In short, you are practically standing with the genocide in Darfur through cover-up and camouflage, and the free people of the American people know this and bear witness to the truth and move.”

A fragile situation
Days after the rebellion Rapid Support RSF Militia on SAF The White House called for an immediate ceasefire without conditions, stressing that US officials are in contact with military leaders. In continuation of this, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken confirmed that the situation in Sudan is fragile, and that there is still a chance to complete the transition to a civilian-led government.
On April 18, 2023, Blinken made two phone calls, one with the Sudanese army commander, Lt.Gen.Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and the other with the militia leader “Hemedti”, affirming the urgent need to reach a ceasefire.
However, the US role towards the Sudanese crisis has remained unstable from time to time.

Shaky position:

Head of the leadership body of the Democratic Unionist Party and a member of the National powers Coordination, Ishraqa Sayed Mahmoud, believes that the US position is largely unstable and almost shaky and volatile between the US establishment’s support for the SAF institutions and the fluctuations in opinions in siding with the Emirates and remaining silent about the militia’s violations and classifying it as a terrorist group and not introducing Sudan’s complaint against the Emirates in the Security Council in a clear manner. Ishraqa said in a previous interview with Sudan Events hat the American position, if not identical, is unstable and volatile, which makes Sudan need strong alliances that believe in the role of the Sudanese institution and have a clear position in the war, such as Russia, Iran and China.

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