
US under Pressure..


Between the Russian base and what is happening in the coast and the Jeddah negotiations

Sudan Events – Amir Abdel Majid

With the acceleration of events and the proliferation of initiatives here and there, the unity of military confrontations between the SAF and the RSF Militia on the ground, and with the entry of new and old players into the conflict with new motives, and with the conflict itself entering its second year and the government movement and the variables of the internal and external alliances towards Sudan towards an alliance that may become strategic with the presence of a Russian base next to Port Sudan and the expansion of the new African Corps from Umm Dafuq to the borders of Libya, which is a matter that worries the governments of the West and America.
Russian expansion:

The United States of America USA views the Russian expansion in Sudan with great concern, given Sudan’s geopolitical location and the developments of the Ukrainian-Russian war and its extensions towards Africa. Will America commit itself to remaining silent on the Russian expansion and their threat to its interests in the African coast and perhaps in the Gulf and the region, or will it move to block the road in front of Russia and behind it Iran? What are the cards that America and the West in general now have in Sudan to force the military and political leadership to abandon the idea of ​​granting Russia a military base and allowing it to expand towards the African coast, which Russia has become very close to controlling completely after it succeeded in removing France and then the United States of America from most of the Sahel countries.

American Hegemony
The former Sudanese Foreign Minister Karar Al-Tahami answers a question about America’s position on what is happening by emphasizing that it will not remain silent and will move. He added, “This agreement may be cancelled by American hegemony unless we have a very strong determination and accept the challenge and risk because in 2012 in Djibouti there was an agreement between the Djiboutian government and Russia to establish the same base that we are talking about now, but America intervened and cancelled this matter, so the Sudanese leadership must be aware that the Americans have experiences in blocking the road to such steps and they deal with matters very seriously.
This happened in Djibouti and also happened with Eritrea, which is still resisting until now.” He continued, “The Westerners exerted violent pressure on us through their governments and organizations and put us in a difficult economic situation.
You now have what is happening in Sudan and the position of the West and America towards it. If the Sudanese government was the one doing what the Rapid Support Forces RSF are doing, they would have bombed it with planes. They are watching all this death and destruction and remaining silent.”
He said, “Sudan has been very late in its relations with Russia, even though Russia It has been present in Africa since 2012 and has agreements to arm a number of armies in Africa, such as the Algerian army, for example.
As you know, all our military mechanisms and the weapons we fight with, not only now but historically, are Russian. He added, “Russia now has a strong presence in West Africa in countries that got rid of French hegemony and turned to Russia because Russia’s colonial tendencies are less.
It has very advanced industries in Zimbabwe and has advanced uranium and nuclear energy industries, and it is building a nuclear power plant for Egypt.” Protecting interests Faisal Mohamed Allam, a media expert at the Tabuk Center for Media and Communications, says that America, by its nature, will move in all directions to protect its interests, not only in Sudan but in the region, and I believe that it is now exerting very strong pressure on Burhan and his companions to go to the Jeddah platform or any negotiations that the United States will supervise. He added, “America does not have many pressure cards in Sudan, so it is exerting pressure through its friends and allies in the region who have strategic relations with Sudan, such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Qatar.
This is regarding the carrot. At the same time, it is dealing with the stick seriously because the matter here goes beyond related interests to become a vital interest related to the American-Russian conflict and perhaps the Gulf-Iranian conflict, which means that America does not have the luxury of time. It needs to resolve matters now.” He continued, “America is now exerting strong pressure, in my opinion, to stop the Russian expansion and convince the Sudanese leadership to abandon the military base project. Meanwhile, it is offering the carrot and the stick in an attempt to buy time and block the road in front of the Russians, who are aware of the pressures of the West and America on the Sudanese regime to abandon the military base. They are also moving and exerting strong pressure to establish the base and to continue military cooperation with the Sudanese army SAF which relies on On Russian weapons and needs strong relations with the Russians in order to ensure supplies of weapons and combat vehicles).

Turning the Table :
Ambassador Karar Al-Tihami points out that Western and American resistance will be very strong, but if the state stands and the people stand behind it in order to enforce this rule, the matter will proceed as it did in many countries that expelled the French and regained their decision and turned the table on Western hegemony..
The matter requires political will and awareness from the people of their interests

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