
Al-Burhan’s Messages.. The Decisiveness is the master of the Phase

Sudan Events – Abdel Basset Idris

From Wadi Sayedna Air Base, President of the Sovereignty Council TSC ,Commander-in-Chief of the SAF Lt.Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, appeared with angry features and a decisive tone. Al-Burhan conveyed new messages and revealed his rejection of signing a unilateral ceasefire agreement in Al-Fasher, affirming that victory will be at the side of the people and their SAF.
A decisive tone:

The President of the Sovereignty Council TSC ,Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF , Lt. Gen.Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, affirmed that they will not submit to any blackmail by negotiating that robs the prestige and will of the armed forces SAF and does not meet the aspirations of the people.
Al-Burhan affirmed in a speech in Omdurman that they will not negotiate with an enemy that continues its violations or with those who support it, and their duty is to prepare for the fight.
He added, “We see victory before us as we see you now.”
He said, “We may lose a battle, but we have not lost the war, even if we lose people, the Sudanese are many, and we salute through you the steadfastness of the free Sudanese people.”
Al-Burhan affirmed that all the Sudanese people stand with the armed forces SAF except for a deviant group that supports falsehood and the militia, and added, “We will not let the Sudanese down while we are victorious, and this enemy and those with them will disappear and we will pursue them one by one,” and added, “We salute our forces in Omdurman and our brothers in El Fasher, Babanusa, Sennar and all the axes, armed and joint forces and mobilized.
Al-Burhan said that they are advocates of peace and do not want war, but they will not negotiate in a humiliating manner and will not go to war except with dignity.
He added, “Our message to the mediators is to urge the mercenaries to leave the homes of citizens and this country will not accommodate us in the future, either us or them,” and continued, “Our commitment to the Sudanese people is to hand over the country free of rebellion or we will all perish as armed forces SAF.”
Responses and pressures:

Al-Burhan’s speech coincided with important military developments on the ground, as the army SAF was able to liberate the Doha neighborhood in Omdurman, and the SAF regained control of the Dinder area and liberated Karkoj area in Sennar, and the air force destroyed a militia terror group that moved from the Hajj Abdullah and Wad al-Haddad areas on its way to Sinja to lift the siege on the militia elements.
On the humanitarian level, the militia’s invasion of the Sinja area forced about 50,000 people to flee in a new wave of displacement in which the fugitives face hunger and heavy rains, according to media reports. On the other hand, Al-Burhan’s speech reveals the intense pressures he is exposed to to submit to continuous demands from abroad, and as a military leader, he began his speech by realizing the risks associated with these pressures or that dealing with them will lead to more disastrous results than they are now, and therefore he clearly said that he will not go to any negotiations that diminish the prestige of the armed forces, renewing his rejection of any blackmail, and in this context he revealed his refusal to sign a ceasefire in the city of El Fasher without the militia stopping its attacks and leaving the areas in which it is located, ending any glimmer of external hope in keeping Hemeti’s militia in the political and military scene, as he clearly said that this country does not accommodate us together, either us or them, affirming the SAF ability to crush the militia in fulfillment of its pledge to the people to hand over the country free of this militia, calling on mediators to talk to them and advise them to stop their attacks and invite them to leave the homes of citizens instead of sending invitations to negotiate.
At the political level, it seems that Burhan is also facing external pressures rejecting his move to form a new civilian transitional government and appoint a prime minister, and that he still rejects pressures to dialogue with a specific political group to be the basis of civilian authority. Burhan called this group a “deviant group” that stands with the militia, contrary to the direction of the Sudanese people who stand and support their armed forces SAF.
Time for Decision:

Military analyst Brig. Gen. Mamoun Osman told (Sudan Events ) that Burhan’s talk from a military perspective is completely understandable, as the army commander in such a situation cannot speak in any other language and take such a position, stressing that external conspiracies against Sudan are at the peak of their mobilization and developments, which requires dealing with them with factors that ultimately lead to resolving the battle in favor of the country and the army.
Mamoun points out that one of these factors is for the army to open recruitment and training camps and mobilize human and material resources for the sake of victory, and for the military decision, which is the greatest wish and demand of the people, to be the master of the stage without paying attention to anything that distracts the SAF and its commandment from this duty.

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