
Audit Bureau: Problems faced by Collectors in Transition from Electronic Payment to Paper System

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Director of Accounts in Delgo Locality in Northern state, Shams El-Din Mohamed Ali, affirmed reviewing the role of the collector in developing resources, which is the basis for collecting revenues.
He said during his address (Saturday) to the workshop on qualifying and developing performance for collectors in Delgo Locality, that the workshop targeted collectors headed by the locality and its three administrative units, reviewing the problems and obstacles faced by collectors after the recent events in the country and the transition from the electronic payment system and returning to the old paper system, thanking General Administration of Accounts for their quick response in holding the training workshop for collectors.
The Executive Director of Delgo Locality, Mudather Sharaf Al-Din, affirmed the role of collectors in increasing revenues in the locality and their optimal use to benefit the citizens of the locality with services and development projects, renewing the locality’s keenness to provide capabilities and provide comfort to collectors, rationalizing spending and directing the collectors’ money to benefit the people of the locality for their livelihood and alleviating the suffering of the citizens of the locality.
For his part, the accountant at the state Audit Bureau, Mansour Abdo Hamid, appreciated the distinguished performance of collectors in the locality, stressing the state Audit Bureau’s care for all issues and concerns of workers in the field of collection to increase revenues.

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