Society & Culture

Heroic bodies in Cairo cinema

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

The movie (Heroic Bodies) will be screened starting Wednesday as part of the Cairo Film Days program!
The film embodies the theory of “body politics” for women, the extent of oppression they are subjected to in Sudan, and how do governments suppress women’s bodies? This is what the documentary film “Heroic Bodies” by director Sarah Suleiman discusses.
The film Heroic Bodies follows the conflict and struggle of Sudanese women to regain their rights and freedom over their bodies, in addition to their right to societal and national existence, through their practice of various practical policies through demonstrations, civil disobedience, and hunger strikes, exposing themselves to arrest and torture.
The film also told of their continuous endeavors and their tireless pursuit of their rights to education, joining scientific training in public health and health visitors, and their breaking of all societal traditions by working in the field of art and entertainment and performing ritual practices such as Zar, seeking through all of this to give their bodies the right to go forth and rebel. The film is translated into English.

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