Society & Culture

Anniversary of the passing of the most famous musician, Hafez Abdel Rahman

Sudan Events – Magda

These days mark the first anniversary of the passing of the musician, flutist and special composer Hafez Abdel Rahman Mukhtar, who passed away last year after a life full of success and public acceptance.
Musician Dr. Kamal Youssef said that what qualified him was the closeness of his music in composition and performance to the popular conscience of the Sudanese person, whom he got to know half a century ago, when one of his compositions performed on the ebony whistle Recorder was used as a slogan for the radio program “Thesis of Directorates” in the mid-seventies of the last century.
The deceased joined the Higher Institute of Music and Theater to study flute, and presented his compositions on radio and television, and the albums he produced met with wide public success. They shaped the taste of many generations and remained a unique material in its style, distinguished by his personal character and the artistic knowledge and musical culture he brought from all parts of western Sudan in Kordofan and Darfur.

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