
Health: (12) Deaths Due to Floods and Rains

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Federal Ministry of Health announced the death of 12 people due to the heavy rains that fell in a number of eastern states during the past hours.
Health Emergency Operations Center held an emergency meeting to discuss the disaster of rains and floods in Kassala and Gedarif states, headed by the Minister of Health, Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim, in the presence of the World Health Organization WHO office in Sudan, in addition to a number of United Nations agencies and organizations working in the health sector.
The Federal Minister of Health, Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim, said in a press statement following the meeting that “12 deaths were recorded.”
He pointed out that the meeting reviewed the health conditions in the states affected by the floods and rains, namely “Kassala, Gedarif”, and reviewed the readiness to confront epidemic diseases and provide the aids related to rescue activities to contain them, as well as the conditions of shelters.
He noted that the meeting stressed the need for good coordination between health and relevant ministries and organizations, and work to combat disease vectors.
He directed to monitor the available capabilities in the states of medicines and aids and coordinate to send them to the affected states.

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