
The Road to Switzerland Negotiations , will it pass via the Developed Jeddah or will it cross it to new Paths?

Sudan Events – Amir Abdul Majid

Within decreasing the days before the presidential race, Donald Trump has begun to move on the fragile areas of his competitors, who are always busy at the administration level with gathering the scattered and faltering files in foreign policy.
And if the war in Gaza and Sudan follows, and the workers who decided to protest the protests, described the current president this week as worse than assuming the presidency of US , and said that his victory in the upcoming elections means that a third world war will occur, jumping from the wars that will occur in the Middle East, which is now burning with rage.
A new platform may be transferred across the US to both confidence as a signing is happening to facilitate humanitarian aid and stop military operations from Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Switzerland and with the many sayings that the truth is here and there Panamera there to open a new platform and the management and control said that it will open the liberal file and that it will be satisfied at this stage with the humanitarian file and facilitating humanitarian aid in addition to preventing the passage and that the matter will not surpass the Yemeni file, which is something that the editor-in-chief of (Elaph )newspaper Khaled Al-Tijani sees as incorrect because the humanitarian file itself, where understandings and expectations are made and happen and the site is bypassed in the platform and jumping to new discussions about a point that was previously decided, addition to “the points that were agreed upon in Jeddah platform and the Rapid Support RSF is now evading are the exit from civilian property and people’s homes have become people’s buildings become army camps? And the international community supports the presence of the Rapid Support RSF in people’s homes and its occupation,” and she continued, “What we demand is the implementation of the Rapid Support RSF of these obligations that are not only supported by Jeddah but even international humanitarian law and the laws related to the protection of international legal areas,” and he said, “The abundance of initiatives and negotiations, it has prolonged” The war has lasted and caused many disasters that we are living now, in addition to the fact that the world itself and the United Nations UN are not dealing with what is happening in Sudan seriously, but rather with the presence of these people playing bad roles in this war, leadership, and the kneading and jumping from one table to another, without you what the unit itself said, the organization demanded the world and became four dollars a dollar to provide humanitarian aid, from which it has not received until now except 20%, this is combined with the fact that the world is not serious,” adding, “Why do we go to a new platform and bypass Jeddah platform, and why was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia excluded from the mediation altogether, asking for answers?” Contrary to the assumptions of Khaled Al-Tijani, the editor-in-chief of (Al-Tayyar) newspaper, Osman Mirghani, believes that the Swiss negotiations are the developed Jeddah platform, saying, “Politicians are portraying writers as why the latest press events, not the government, and at the present time they are referring to the Geneva negotiations as a trap to contribute to the developed Jeddah platform, although Geneva negotiations are the developed Jeddah platform if the parties are changed to any place to become part of the previous parties.” Foreign ambitions: A report published by the Middle East Studies Center believes that Sudan is controlled by a directorate that affirmed that Sudan has great geopolitical, economic and strategic importance that makes it the focus of global and regional foreign ambitions. Moreover, any chaos in it could completely destabilize a bright region where it will be structurally sound.
The center summarized the reasons that allow America in Sudan to move away from election concerns, and to implement the Ukrainian influence in Africa and obstructed the implementation of what is happening, a 25-year lease concluded by Brazil with Sudan in December 2020 to establish a naval base in Port Sudan that can receive a working sword, and Washington’s concern revolved around the growing influence of the Wagner Group, while it sees it limited in Sudan to establishing a corridor through Libya Sudan to a Russian military researcher in the Central African Republic, and American experts, Wagner’s role in Sudan falls within the framework of Bralet’s efforts to strengthen American and French influence in Africa, benefiting from the wealth of African countries, as it has major interests in Sudan according to the Belt and Road Initiative that it launched in 2013 for the period 2011-2018, provided an introduction to blaming loans Loans estimated at about $ 143 million and invested in projects such as establishing Sudanese oil movements, a manufacturer on the Nile, textile factories, and railway lines.
In 2021, Sudan’s total imports To China, about $ 780 million, and it represents the second largest trading partner of Sudan after the Emirates, UAE and the United States US is trying to specialize it and is not subject to changes in the presence of Camilla Harrison or taming.. America is excluding contradictory regional goals in the region, and it is afraid that the creation will compete in Sudan to new goals in the region that put its allies who unite in the face of the teams, as Egypt and Saudi Arabia support less resistance, the commander of the SAF, Burhan, while the United Arab Emirates supports Hemeti.
There are those who demand that, in light of the Egyptian-Ethiopian reasons regarding the Renaissance Dam (GERD)and Egypt’s support for the emerging Sudanese Sudan, Ethiopia resorts to supporting the Rapid Support Forces RSF .
Washington also fears expanding the circle of conflict to go beyond Sudan to the African Sahel region, particularly after Hemeti’s tendency to recruit fighters across the border, from Mali, Chad and others.
The administration also controls the fear of continuing the conflict in Sudan and the unity of a power vacuum that will produce a humanitarian crisis with hundreds of thousands of refugees to neighboring countries. Ethiopia aims to invest in Sudan secondly to provide a safe haven for groups such as the other Somali youth movement.

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