Society & Culture

After a leaked conversation between him and Abu Aqla Kaikal: Artist Asem Al-Banna: I reject treason and my position on the army is clear

I have no party or affiliation except for the homeland
I stopped the concerts because there are those who die for us
The last conversation with Kaikal when he was the commander of the Batana Shield
Sudan Events – Magda Hassan
Artist Asem Al-Banna appeared in a video, during which he confirmed his strong relationship with the armed forces, and his relationship with the rebel Kaikal, which he described as a relationship of blood and tribe. Al-Banna said in a broadcast on his Facebook page that communication between him and Kaikal is a natural communication due to the kinship, and social media had circulated messages between artist Asem Al-Banna and the rebel Abu Aqla Kaikal, which activists described as a “shock”..and messages had been leaked during the past few days from Kaikal’s email and a number of celebrities in various fields.
 Asem El-Banna, who had been absent from parties and social media for the past period of the war, appeared in a video explaining many facts, the first of which. “I discovered that I have many people who love me very much, and I thank them and those who alerted me to the post that was published today.” He said.
 El-Banna indicated that the reason for his appearance was to clarify so that people would not achieve false gains through messages. “I want to clarify so that there are no gains through lying or there is confusion about the matter,” He said. “I have a blood and family relationship with Abu Aqla Kaikal, and it is a very old relationship that has been going on for years, but the publisher of the conversation took certain words from it, words of treason that I do not accept for myself, and for the sake of those who love me, I came out to clarify so that people would not be stressed because of this story.” He added. Al-Banna confirmed that the deleted messages from the conversation were erased before May. “Exactly a year and two months ago, when I first learned that Abu Aqla Kaikal chose the path of the Rapid Support Forces.” Al-Banna said. Al-Banna pointed out that he was accused of being one of the boot-lickers since April 6th in the sit-in, he used to say, “One Army, One People.”
 “Our relationship with the army is very old, and the Al-Banna family is known, like any Sudanese household, for its members of the army.” He added. He pointed out that he was being insulted since he sang, “Our army is the root of the issue.” “I still stand by my position, ‘One Army, One People,’ until God inherits the earth and all that is on it.” He added. He confirmed that his relationship with Abu Aqla had broken off, but not with the Kaikal’s family. “As for my Shukriya family, the people are my people, and I will not punish them for the mistake of one person.” He said.
Artist Asim Al-Banna pointed out that the media always seeks to accuse people of treason, and this is not good for them. “If someone with insight tried hard and looked throught my Facebook page, he would find that since the war began, I have not posted a single concert poster because people die for us, even though I, like any Sudanese, have obligations on my shoulders. This is my job and I have not hurt anyone. Why the hurt?” He said. “People are rushing to accuse others of treason, and my position is clear in supporting the army forever, and my relationship with my family is what separates us from the homeland.” He added. “Until now, I have not felt anything serious. What does a conversation and a good time between me and my cousin mean? The last time I hung up the phone with him, he was the commander of the Batana Shield, so that people do not weave stories. Even before the war, the army and the Rapid Support Forces were one Sudanese component, and we have brothers from whom we separated because of the situation that no one knows, and we will not accept treason.” Although Asim said.  “The war brought out the worst in people, and for two years I have not gone live, and now I have been forced to go out and talk. Do I like the situation? Do I like the death of people? Do I like the lack of peace in Sudan? We love peace, we sang for it. Now we are displaced and homeless, and our homes have been looted like others, and we have not said a word. I do not have a political party or affiliation, but Sudan is a red line.” He added.
Asim indicated that he contacted the publisher of the conversation, and the latter replied that the matter was not personal, but Asim said that as long as it was something that bothered his family, relatives, and those around him, it was personal. Asim stressed that his national stance will not waver and he hopes for the country’s well-being and the return of people to their homes. He said that a number of creative people left Sudan because they did not find value. He stressed that he recently congratulated the army on its seventieth anniversary. “I am honored to be the first Sudanese artist to appear on Sudan TV to be with the army in Port Sudan. I said the same thing, but no one listened and no one will listen.” He said. “If people want to criticize me for my relationship with my family, I say that they are my family and I will not deny them.” He continued.

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