
Workshop to reconstruct Roads and Bridges 

Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi 

Director General of Khartoum Roads and Bridges Authority, Eng. Mukhtar Omar Saber, revealed that the logging was affected by the war that broke out on April 15, 2024, a systematic individual for bridges. He said that the work mechanisms were present in Al-Ghaba street in Khartoum and the beginning of Al-Wadi street from the Omdurman side, where contracts were signed to rehabilitate these roads with Khartoum and North Artery companies.

More than fifteen road maintenance contracts were signed with all local expansion, securing the reliance of the remaining iron of the Dabasin Bridge. He added in his statement to “Sudan Events ” that he wanted to settle with the contractors and the Chinese company to complete the work, but the outbreak of the war disrupted the maintenance of roads and the accumulation of rainwater for a long time without drainage, as well as the systematic destruction of bridges.

All of this contributed to the Internet in a comprehensive manner and about the necessary precautions.

Saber was well after the availability of information that indicated that the fall of this year is high.

He said that we contracted with a number of companies, and we also have the main work team in areas not covered by the contracting companies, while we have an integrated team for direct work in the areas that aren’t covered by the contracted companies , while an emergency room was established in the state, innovations are applied with innovations first-hand and the disclosure of the Director General of the Response Authority and the bridge preparing for the workshop, preparing for it by the state’s judiciary courts to replay the game. He said that many papers will be presented in the face to replay the game in the field of construction in the state through a specialized work team working in preparation mainly, particularly among them, particularly large in the field of bridges.

There are also roads in the state estimated at more than 3,500 , which faced varying damages .

He said that we are now reviewing the re-work plan in line with the economic advantages and damage estimates.

He pointed out that the floods last year swept away a number of bridges and mobile homes, and urgent maintenance was carried out, and with the National Authority for Private Bridges on the Western Nile Road, Kuwait this year, after the rehabilitation of the white, the affected mobile homes were radically rehabilitated, and the rehabilitation of the main dam in the Karari locality, the Wadi Dam, is currently underway, through integrated integration. This year is promising, as these days are witnessing large communications airports, as well as a number of floods coming from the west in Omdurman and from the east in Bahri and East Nile localities, unlike the past celebrations.

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