A significant Increase in Prices of Commodities in Deling
Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The prices of commodities in the city of Deling in South Kordofan State recorded an unprecedented increase. The price of a 50 kg bag of sugar reached SDGs 300,000, a 25 kg bag of flour reached SDGs 130,000 a 25 kg bag of rice reached SDGs 135,000, and a kilo of milk reached SDGs 14,000.
The price of a 25-kilo bag of lentils reached SDGs 140,000, a bag of onions SDGs 250,000 , a can of oil SDGs 140,000 , a malwa of onions SDGs 12,000 , a kilo of flour SDGs 5,000 , a kilo of lentils SDGs 8,000 , a kilo of sugar SDGs 6,000 , a bag of vermicelli SDGs 2,500 a pound of coffee SDGs 14,000 , a malwa of wheat SDGs 11,000 , and a malwa of corn SDGs 12,000 .