
Resumption of Operations at Ashkeit Crossing

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
Director of Ashkeit crossing, retired Maj. Gen.of Police Abbas Hussein Kurdi, affirmed that operations at Ashkeit crossing resumed on Thursday, after it stopped on Wednesday due to the rains and floods that hit the crossing on Tuesday, which led to a malfunction in the electrical connections, halls, crossing floor and systems of the units operating at the crossing.
He said, according to the Sudan News Agency ( SUNA) , that is  to confront the movement of travel buses, including families, children and the elderly, partial operation was carried out to receive buses coming from Egypt on Wednesday, and on Thursday, operations resumed on a large scale for departure and arrival movements, and a number of trucks and vehicles carrying imports and exports were received.
Kurdi affirmed that efforts are underway to rehabilitate the halls from the effects of rains and floods, and added, “By the beginning of upcoming week, the operating rate will be raised to 100% if the weather conditions in the region stabilize.”

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