
If the Leaders of the Taqadum Alliance Die, Stone Them

Othman Jalal

The praise by the inept and outdated Dr. Aladdin Naqd—known for his eloquent yet shallow rhetoric—regarding the behavior of the Rapid Support Forces in Al-Jazirah state, and his claim that they supported the farmers with 70 million Sudanese pounds (an amount that does not even scratch the surface of what they looted from the citizens of the state, let alone from public and private institutions), only confirmed the obvious: that the Taqadum Alliance and the Dagalo family’s terrorist militia are one evil soul in two corrupt bodies. Their supposed neutrality is nothing more than a role-playing game between allies, with the ultimate goal of seizing power in Sudan, whether through the criminal militia’s guns or through soft political tools backed by their regional and international sponsors.

The political developments since 2018 have shown that the leaders of the Taqadum Alliance represent the most dangerous infiltration of the Sudanese state in the post-independence era. They have masterfully played the functional role for the Zionist-American agenda, which revolves around two scenarios: either the ruling regimes in Sudan become subservient and aligned with the Western axis led by the United States, or Sudan is kept in a state of civilizational weakness, torn apart by identity, ethnic, and regional conflicts. A stable, democratic, and resourceful Sudan would transform into a major regional power, threatening the Zionist entity. The rise of a democratic Sudan could inspire similar movements eastward to the Arabian Gulf, toppling their allied kings and princes, who are under the Zionist-American blackmail with the slogan “money and oil in exchange for throne protection.”

The masterminds of this project, through their tool, the UAE, offered President Bashir the role of a puppet for their malicious agenda in exchange for his indefinite rule, but he rejected this with pride and dignity. Consequently, the alliance of evil was forced to remove him through the scenario of the December 2018 revolution, which was manufactured in their dirty labs. They then sidelined the members of the security committee who were resistant to blackmail and bribery. Their disastrous withdrawal from the political scene provided a strategic backdrop for the infiltration of Sudanese state institutions, allowing General Al-Burhan and the leader of the Rapid Support Militia to take charge of the military component. Meanwhile, the Qahut/Taqadum alliance, lacking popular support, represented the civilian political forces. At that point, the international evil alliance, with the UAE as its tool, began to push for Sudan’s subjugation to their axis through General Al-Burhan in exchange for his indefinite rule, but Al-Burhan rejected this with pride and dignity. Then the evil alliance resorted to the zero option, i.e., war, by employing the gun of the mercenary Hemedti and the leaders of the Taqadum Alliance as a civilian political wing to deceive the clever Sudanese people into believing that this alliance represents their aspirations for civilian rule and the democratization of the state.

The dwarfs of the Taqadum Alliance know that they are nothing but puppets for the Zionist-American agenda. They know that if the Dagalo family’s gun triumphs over the Sudanese people and army, they will merely become ministers and civil servants for a short while before they are discarded, and the Sudanese state is turned into a hereditary kingdom under the Dagalo family. But that is a distant dream, for the will of the people cannot be defeated.

The leaders of the Taqadum Alliance gained the trust of the revolutionaries and ascended to power and decision-making positions after signing the constitutional document in August 2019, combining both soft and hard power—elements crucial for building a state and nation on the foundations of sustainable democracy. However, they fell into the abyss of Pharaoh’s valley, shrinking into the role of a Trojan horse for the Zionist-American project, and even further, into the base and disgraceful role of a mere tool for the Dagalo brothers’ agenda. As the poet Al-Hutay’a once said:
*Leave the noble deeds, do not strive for them,
Sit down, for you are the one who eats and is clothed.*

The betrayal of the Taqadum leaders towards the revolutionaries, the revolution’s slogans, society, the army, and the Sudanese state is akin in Arab history to the betrayal of Abu Righal, who guided Abraha the Abyssinian to invade Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. This wretched man perished in Al-Mughammas, and the Arabs would stone his grave during their pilgrimages, as a fitting punishment for his vile act.
And if the leaders of the Taqadum Alliance die, stone them in their graves, for they have represented the most dangerous infiltration of the Sudanese state, almost leading it into the abyss of total disintegration.

Tuesday: 2024/08/27

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