
The President of Al-Merreikh of Sudan closes the Al-Hilal case file

Khartoum – Sudan Events

The president of the Sudanese Al-Merreikh Club closed the Al-Hilal case file regarding the trio Ramadan Ajab – Bakhit Khamis – Mohamed Al-Rashid, after paying today, Monday, the amount of 10 thousand dollars imposed by the Sports Court.

It is expected that FIFA will lift the ban on Al-Merreikh and allow it to sign players during the transfer and registration period, which opened two weeks ago.

Al-Hilal Omdurman, its rival, Al-Merreikh, complained to FIFA about its contract with the famous Al-Merreikh trio, Ajab – Bakhit and Mohamed Al-Rashid, as they lost their efforts after they chose their former team despite the contract concluded between them.

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