
Burhan: The Armed Forces Remain Steadfast and Strong

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The President of the Transitional Sovereign Council, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, has affirmed that the Armed Forces will remain cohesive, strong, and Sudan’s shield, stressing the keenness of the various regular forces to eliminate the rebel Rapid Support militia.

Al-Burhan said in an address before officers of the Red Sea Military District on Thursday that what happened in Madani, of Gezira, was caused by negligent of people who will for sure be held accountable, adding that the armed forces will win with the war by determination, and that the fight will continue to defeat and eleminate the rebel militia as well as their associates of the political forces that seek to rule the country at the expense of the Sudanese people. “You will not rule Sudan except through elections,” He said, reassuring that victory will be for the people of Sudan. He appealed to everyone not to pay attention to the rumors spread by agents whose aim is discrediting the armed forces and the Sudanese people as well as spreading terror and fear in the hearts of citizens. “We reassure the citizens that the army will fight to the last soldier so that the people of Sudan enjoy security and stability, and the armed forces will not fall,” He added, indicating that everyone who cooperated with the rebel militia will pay the price.

Al-Burhan saluted the martyrs of the armed forces and other regular forces, and the Sudanese people and the armed movements around its military leadership, which continued to fight the support militia, which he described as a “cancer,” pointing to the support of the political forces and traitors to the rebellion in its war against the Sudanese state and the fragmentation of its unity, stressing that every agent and traitor will find deterrence and will be held accountable.

Al-Burhan touched on the violations and crimes committed by the terrorist Rapid Support militia against citizens and civilian objects. “We are surprised by their statement that they will protect the citizens of the areas they occupied.” He said. “How can this be justified when the militia is occupying homes and looting at the same time?”He added. He noted that the world has witnessed the atrocities comitted by the terrorist militia against citizens and destroying state infrastructure.

Once again, the Sudan goernmey will move forward with the negotiating process, “We will not sign a peace agreement that insults or humiliates the armed forces and the Sudanese people, and there must be a ceasefire and the rebels must leave public facilities, hospitals, and citizens’ homes.” He said.

Al-Burhan criticized some of the political forces that continued to spread slogans and lies targeting the unity of the national ranks and the armed forces. He said that when the army achieves a victory, those collaborating with the militia spread lies about the armed forces targeting civilians using airforce. “We affirm that the armed forces protect civilians and this is a lie among them,” He said.

He expressed his deep appreciation for the role of the media, journalists, and columnists, and their stance and support to the armed forces in the war against the support militia and its collaborators, in addition to exposing the horrible crimes and violations they continued to commit.

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