Society & Culture

Musician Anas Al-Aqib in the Honest Talk and Memories 2_2


If I do not perform works before I die, they will die with me

* For thirty years, there has been no new singing

* I am the first Sudanese specialist in music composition


In the first part of the dialogue, the musician Dr. Anas the consequence of not burdening the artist with more than he can handle in circumstances where he himself needs care. In this part, the musician talks about his experience, which he confirmed if he left the world before he presented it, it would die with him. Many topics in the text of the interview


Interview: Magda Hassan


* How was the year 2023 for you?

The year 2023 is about to end, the war is continuing, the destruction is continuing, the death does not stop, the loss is migration, and in Sudan there is an absence of security, the collapse of the economy, and the cessation of cultural and artistic life and the general movement of the state. This is a year that history will remember as a year of bad luck for the homeland and bad luck for the Sudanese person and humanity in general and for the future.

* Did you have projects or work there?

I spent nearly eight months in Cairo, even though it is the second home for any Sudanese, but our feeling of alienation and our feeling of what is going on in Sudan does not make us think normally or produce or offer something beautiful to the Sudanese people, but we have nothing but to mourn and think sadly away from the homeland.

We hear and read about what is going on in Sudan. This is a year that we hope will end. In the remaining days, the first thing is for the war to stop, for us to start Sudan again, to think about how to build it, and to be more keen on the unity of Sudan again, and for independence to begin again, the Second Independence, the Second Republic.

We come together from all directions that our homeland is rich and beautiful.

*What saddens you the most?

It is a year of sadness in everything.

Nothing is as sad as the loss of homelands, and it is the year of the departure of elders. Mohamed al-Amin and Mohamed Mirghani are gone, but despite what is happening in Sudan as a result of this damned war, I still adhere to my integrated project.

* What is your project, tell us about it?

A project that presents itself to the Sudanese people for history. Who is someone who thinks to present something new in the field of music, poetry, research, writing and criticism?

Since my childhood, I was drawn to literature, poetry, singing, and writing since I was a student in middle school. I continued writing, singing, and writing poetry, and then I continued while I was an employee, where I saw life bright and society civilized.

*You tend to be more of a singer.

When did you start singing?

In the sixties, I began my journey with singing. It began in the city of Zalingei. There I learned the oud. I learned about the arts of Darfur, which I cannot describe to you.

How diverse they were in the weekly markets, in the cities I visited, in the musical groups to which I belonged, and in what I heard on the radio and what I was anticipating regarding the renewal and entry of artists. new ones.

Then I moved back to Kassala for family reasons

In Kassala, I began to embark on my singing career. I stopped poetry for a little while, and the music overwhelmed me with its beauty.

I became a singer in sessions and at parties, and I found a great welcome from prominent figures who were able to transport me from Kassala to the capital, so that I could make my way on the path of music, and I got to know the music community, cultural life, and the session community, of which I later became the prince.

That Al-Kabli and Zidane abandoned it .

* What did these sessions add to you?

It added a lot to me and I stuck to it very much, as it included politicians and journalists

From the sessions, I learned dialogue and innovation and musical theatre. In the sixties, Qimam Theater used to present new songs and singing experiences from all singers. Osman Mustafa Wardi, Osman Hussein, Abu Dawud, Salah bin Al-Badiyah,

* When did you specialize in music composition?

I graduated from the Institute of Music as the first Sudanese to specialize in music composition. I was sent to East Germany and obtained a master’s degree in music composition. Then I was sent to West Germany to continue my studies.

The research was (Arabic music in Darfur and its characteristics). I returned to collect material from Sudan, and the uprising broke out in 1985, and my mission was cut short.

* Why did you delay in revealing your experience?

I thought about presenting my experience ten years ago, but I was shocked by the painful reality that people do not tend to encourage talent and encourage poor singing, and I did not like to compromise.

*What do you contribute to poetry?

I wrote one collection of poetry in the English language, and I continued to write about analysis, criticism, music, and translation.

I believe that if I found an opportunity to present my audio-recorded works and publish them in printed newspapers, Anas Al-Aqib would have a prominent role, even if there was criticism.

* How do you see the artistic movement now?

The artistic movement needs critics and writers in order to be open to new methods other than singing.

It needs musical theatre, pure music, praise singing, and heritage in a new way

For thirty years, there has been no new singing on the scene

* When will you submit your project?

I can’t wait. I decided to submit my project now.

I decided to subscribe and print my books, music, literary works, articles, books, collections, and translations. If I leave this world before I present my works, I am sure they will die with me.

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