
Popular Resistance…Beware of the Anger of Wiseman

News Analysis
Mohammed Wadaa

The instant departure of people from every place frequented by the militia reflects the huge popular condemnation and confirms the impossibility of coexistence with the criminal militia.
Kaikal, the militia’s Trojan horse, presents skits to win over the citizens after he betrayed them
If defending oneself, land, and honor will lead to civil war, then let it be
The Sudanese people have never agreed on anything before as they have agreed now on repelling the aggression and on defeating the militia
Freedom and Change – The Central Council and (Taqaddum), are the militia’s partners in all crimes and violations
Wad Medani and the villages of Gezira (occupied) by the militia witnessed unprecedented crimes and violations. The militia targeted state institutions, which are Sudanese people ‘s public property. They looted sugar factories, oil factories, plant protection, customs, containers, banks, project machinery and equipment of Gezira Scheme, Asawer factory, the medicines factories, the citizens’ vehicles and their money, and they killed those who refused or resisted rape, terrorism, assassinations, forced displacement. The militia did the same and worse in Nyala, El Geneina, Ardemta, Kutum, and Zalingei, and committed the most heinous of crimes of ethnic cleansing. It did in Khartoum what no war had done in the capital of a country: it occupied homes, hospitals, universities, and public facilities, plundered banks and markets, killed civilians by indiscriminate bombing, arrested thousands of citizens, opened prisons, released convicts and inmates, and recruited them as fighters.
International reports condemned the militia, the United Nations, the European Union, the International Refugee Committee, the US Congress, the International Criminal Court, and the US Treasury issued sanctions against Abdul-Rahim Dagalo and Abdul-Rahman Jumah. The instant departure of citizens from every place the militia frequents shows the huge popular condemnation and it confirms the impossibility of living side by side with the criminal militia. What happened in Gezira confirmed that the leaders of this militia falsely claim that they couldn’t control it, and in a failed attempt to mislead, they denied their relationship with those criminals and thugs and described them as deviants, and that Kaikal is a Trojan horse. He brought the militia and took control of Gezira, and in a badly directed play tried to win over the citizens after he betrayed them. He checked out the returned vehicles of the citizens of Fadasi, and as soon as he left, the vehicles were looted once again by the same thugs.
The popular resistance started from Medani, with confrontations from citizens and a refusal to hand over their money and vehicles. They sacrificed dear lives that confirmed their valor and courage. Groups of citizens confronted the militia, killed them, and seized their weapons. Large numbers of regular forces returned and are carrying out qualitative operations against the militia. In dozens of villages, armed resistance was organized and confronted the militia, inflicting heavy losses on it. This act of resistance was not carried out under the direction of anyone. This is a natural reaction, demonstrated by self-pride, adherence to upholding virtuous values, and standing against aggression, which is the characteristic of real men of honour: defending oneself, land, and honor. It does not require incitement from anyone. This is a spontaneous act and a religious, moral and patriotic duty.
The crimes and violations that happened in Gezira were an inspiration to the rest of the states, and were an additional reason to accelerate the pace of alert and preparation to respond to the aggression, tens of thousands in the North, the Nile River, Kasala, the Red Sea, Gadarif, the Blue Nile, the White Nile, Sinnar, Kordufan, Al-Fashir, and some areas in the states of Darfur, armed themselves voluntarily under the supervision and command of the armed forces. They did not fight at the request of anyone or any party, or were forcibly recruited, from all civil and societal spectrums, united by one goal, which is to protect their areas and property against militia aggression. The militia leaders documented through recorded clips their intention to attack Merowe, Dongola, Kasala, Gadarif and Shendi. Are their people standing idly by waiting for the militia? They are ready and up to the challenge.
Some of the militia’s allies from the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) warn, and say with dullness and lack of chivalry, that self-defense will lead to civil war, and to avoid this civil war, the Sudanese people must wait for the occupation of their home, the looting of their money, the rape of their women, and the occupation of their land, but they ignore the facts the concrete facts. It is documented that this militia, with premeditation, launched its war against citizens, looting their money, occupying their homes, killing them, raping women, and committing crimes of ethnic cleansing in the presence of witnesses.
Some of the militia’s allies in (Taqaddum) are involved in supporting the militia even if it targets their families, kills them, and abuses them. Some of them are silent. They are all partners to the militia in every crime it commits. They are partners in all the bloodshed and all crimes of rape. They are partners in theft and plunder against their citizens, and in wasting the dignity of the people of Sudan, like in other societies, there are purchased agents and traitors, but such betrayal is unparalleled anywhere in the world.
Defending oneself, land, and honor is a legitimate right and a known duty. The tremors of disappointed and sick minds do not detract from that. You are outside the circle of action, influence, and respect. Your eyes have been blinded, your hearts have been hardened, and your feelings have been dulled. O you ignorant and unaware people of history and the causes of wars and struggle and resistance. If defending oneself, land, and honor will lead to civil war, then let this war be. Will the Sudanese people’s stand against the aggression of the militia, mercenaries, and convicted criminals lead to civil war? So, let this war be. The Sudanese people have never agreed on anything before, as they have agreed now on repelling the aggression and defeating the militia. The will of the Sudanese people will triumph over this aggression, and those who oppressed it have to be aware of the fate that awaits them.
December 27, 2023

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