
French Political Sciences Professor Detained


Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed

A French political sciences Professor detained for alleged financial crimes said his detention and mistreatment is “inhuman.” Nabil Ennasri, an expert on Qatar, was placed under detention on Oct. 4 by French authorities for alleged corruption and influence trafficking, laundering, and tax fraud under a probe linked to the Gulf nation.
Although Ennasri is not the main suspect, he is the only one detained, so he launched a hunger strike on Dec. 22 to denounce his mistreatment.
The French Moroccan Professor wrote an open letter, published exclusively by Anadolu, decrying his mistreatment, calling it “wrongful, biased, and deprived of humanity.”
Ennasri, a popular Muslim figure, said that he is the only one under detention in the investigation despite his clean criminal record.
He also stressed that his three children need him and that the health of his aged mother, who is 76 years old, is “dire” due to multiple illnesses.
A Nov. 15 medical certificate confirmed that Ennasri’s mother is “at the end of her days,” but the French judiciary has not shown any interest in the detainee’s requests for release or detention with an electronic bracelet.
Ennasri stressed that he is ready to accept all possible legal obligations in this context so he can be with his mother during her final days.
“For all those reasons, I decided to start a hunger strike on Dec. 22 until I am released,” he wrote. “My aim is not to escape justice, on the contrary, I only wish to be treated justly, decently, without a hidden agenda.”
Ennasri’s lawyers several times requested his release, but he was turned down due to the risk of flight abroad and his communicating with other figures in the investigation, according to authorities.

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