
A Qatari and Egyptian delegation to evaluate and support the health sector in Sudan

Khartoum – Sudan Event

A delegation from Qatar arrived in the Red Sea State in eastern Sudan to discuss assessing the situation and supporting the health sector in Sudan headed by Dr Mohamed Salah, director of the Relief and International Development Sector at the Qatar Red Crescent.

The delegation’s visit to the country comes within a Qatari-Egyptian initiative in coordination and cooperation with the Sudanese Ministries of Health and Foreign Affairs to help those affected by the war, hosted by the Qatar Red Crescent, Sudan office.

The visit aims to assess the health situation and identify the possibilities of support and appropriate interventions to help the health sector respond to the medical and health needs caused by the conflict.

The Qatari and Egyptian delegations will meet with the Federal Minister of Health, Dr Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim, today, Tuesday, following the arrival of the Egyptian delegation, to research and discuss the implementation of the Egyptian-Qatari initiative to support the health sector in order to achieve the goal of the initiative, which aims to help victims of the conflict in Sudan.

The two delegations are scheduled to visit several hospitals in Port Sudan and meet with the Humanitarian Aid Commission and humanitarian work partners.

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