
Al-Mirghani Briefs British Officials in London on Sudan’s Developments

London – Sudan Events

Jaafar Al-Sadiq Mohamed Othman Al-Mirghani, Deputy Chairman of the Original Democratic Federal Party and head of the Freedom and Change Alliance Democratic Bloc, met with British officials in London today to discuss the developments in Sudan.
During his meeting with Ambassador Simon Mustard, Director of the East and Central Africa Department at the British Foreign Office, and Helen Owen, Deputy Director of the Sudan Department at the Foreign Office, at the British Foreign Office headquarters in London, Al-Mirghani explained the implications of the developments in Sudan and their impact on the region.
According to a statement received by Sudan Event, Al-Mirghani emphasised the importance of supporting the Sudanese national dialogue and unifying civil forces, emphasising the importance of working to restore the state.
He reiterated his party’s commitment to supporting national sovereignty, calling for a ceasefire and ending the war, ensuring a return to normalcy and the return of citizens to their homes, as well as compensating those affected.
Al-Mirghani told the British officials that Sudan’s need for its historical friends during the reconstruction phase after the war is significant, calling on Britain to work with the Sudanese government to arrange a conference of Sudan’s friends, with the assistance of friendly countries.

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