
Sudanese National Front and Democratic Transition Support Mechanism Call for Formation of Caretaker Government

Khartoum – Talal Ismail

The Sudanese National Front and the National Mechanism to Support Democratic Transition called to stop the war and the formation of a caretaker government of independent national competencies.

The two parties said in a joint statement: “At the invitation of the National Mechanism to Support Democratic Transition, the delegation of the Mechanism, headed by Professor Aisha Musa, and the delegation of the Sudanese National Front, headed by Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Al-Amin Tirik, met on Thursday in the city of Port Sudan. The two parties discussed the critical circumstances and delicate stage in history that Sudan is going through and its suffering.”

The two parties stressed the continuation of efforts to unify the internal front, stop the war, and preserve the unity and sovereignty of Sudan.

According to the statement, the meeting agreed on a joint effort, and on future promising steps for the Sudanese people that are in favour of stopping the war, national unity and a comprehensive Sudanese-Sudanese national dialogue. It also agreed on the formation of a caretaker government of independent, non-partisan national competencies with specific tasks that call for a deliberative conference that determines how to govern Sudan.

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