Society & Culture

Al-Damar Celebrates “Land of Light” Festival

Khartoum – Sudan Events

The city of Al-Damar on the Nile River celebrated the launch of the second edition of the _Land_ _of_ _Light_ Festival on the stage of the Teachers College in Al-Damar. It was a night that brought to mind the lively cultural nights of Al-Damar.

Dozens of icons from Al-Damar residents who left clear marks in the fields of sports, culture, health, social aspects, and various scientific fields were honoured.

The head of the festival, director Al-Tayeb Siddiq, said that this edition celebrates the Sudanese person in their ability to “rebuild the place, and in creating a life according to what benefits people and making life opportunities and livelihoods, presenting a symbol of mixing and fusion.”

Siddiq noted that holding the event in Al-Damar comes as the city is considered a haven of coexistence and love and accommodates all the components of Sudan and others, from the Nuba Mountains, the Rashaida, the Hausa, the Blue Nile, the Beja, the Bisharin, the Ababda, South Sudan, the Indians, the Coptics, the Greeks, and from the Levant and Yemen.

The great artist from Al-Damar, Abdul Rahman Al-Shibli, presented a performance for the “One Man Theater,” discussing many of the city’s problems and presenting solutions in a dramatic form, with which the audience interacted strongly.

The crowds interacted with the festival’s activities, which were attended by more than two thousand people.

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