Ambassador Omar Siddiq: Jeddah Negotiations Will Build on Previously Agreed-Upon Terms

Khartoum News: Osama Mukhtar – Beijing
Ambassador of Sudan to the People’s Republic of China and a member of the Jeddah Negotiations delegation, Ambassador Omar Sadiq, has affirmed that the negotiations will be built upon implementing what was agreed upon in the Jeddah Declaration signed on May 20th. In statements made to a radio correspondent before joining the negotiation delegation in Jeddah, Ambassador Omar Sadiq stated that the Jeddah Declaration is highly significant, and adhering to it is a commitment to the provisions laid out in the agreement.
The key provisions include the following:
Rapid Support Forces rebels are to vacate public facilities, especially medical facilities and hospitals, as well as power and water facilities and civilian homes, and facilitate the passage of relief materials.
Open roads and bridges and withdraw military presence from the streets.
Ambassador Omar Sadiq pointed out that this agreement followed the initial ceasefire agreement, the Jeddah Declaration, which was not implemented due to the lack of commitment by the Rapid Support Forces. He stated that this agreement explicitly defines prohibited actions during the short ceasefire period.
Both sides are committed to ceasing attacks and assaults on civilians. However, the Rapid Support Forces continued their attacks on infrastructure, targeting civilian infrastructure and using civilians as human shields. Additionally, they engaged in looting, plundering, intimidation, and occupying civilian homes. All of these actions are violations of international law, especially the Geneva Conventions concerning internal conflicts.
Ambassador Sadiq emphasized the importance of humanitarian principles outlined in the Jeddah Declaration. This includes ensuring the continued flow of aid to civilians without any hindrances and ensuring the safety and protection of relief workers. He clarified that these are the most critical provisions that will be emphasized during the negotiations, urging the other party, the dissolved Rapid Support Forces, to commit to what was agreed upon in Jeddah before May 20th of this year.