“Taqaddum”… a New Civil Force Headed by “Hamdok”

Addis Ababa- Sudan Events
The closing session of the Civil Democratic Forces Coordination adopted the tag “(Taqaddum)” as its official name while naming the former Sudanese Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdok, head of coordination.
It was agreed during the closing session on Thursday to form the leadership body for coordinating civil democratic forces (Taqaddum) of 60 members, where the non-partisan civil forces won 70% of the seats. In contrast, the political parties, including the Freedom and Change Alliance (FCA), won 30% of the seats.
The committee meeting approved the foundations and principles for ending the war and establishing the Sudanese state, warning that perceptions of political solutions must preserve the unity of Sudan.
The Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), led by Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu, to open grazing paths because their closure causes congestion, threatening to expand the war in Greater Kordofan.
The meeting valued all initiatives to stop the regional war, such as the IGAD initiative and the African Union, calling for unifying all these initiatives in the Jeddah negotiating platform.