Arrangements to Provide Cash to the Marketing of The season Crops

Sudan Events – Rehab AbdulAlah
Acting governor of Gedaref State, Mohamed Abdul Rahman, revealed efforts and arrangements with the competent authorities to provide cash to market the rainy season crops, that operations to begin in the upcoming days.
The Governor expressed on Monday in the meeting with the authorised committee from the states farmers, headed by farmer, manger of public Administration of CropsMarkets in Gedaref, Yassir Ali Al Saab ,and manager of the unified collection bureau at Finance ministry .
The governor expressed his hope to realise a marketing season.
The meeting discussed the ongoing of operations of agricultural crop harvesting and the obstacles, in besides discussing fees of crops marketing .
The acting governor-renewed the state government’s interest to find out solutions to farmers’ issues and facilitating procedures related to crop marketing.
The attendees approved the proposed crop marketing fees for this marketing season after making a number of amendments to them.