(IFAD) Reassures About Ways to Provide Livelihood

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The joint meeting between the supervisory mission of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources in Al-Gezira State (Thursday), headed by Engineer Abdul Rahim Mohamed Tom, representative of the Director General of the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources, reassured on the performance of the Natural Resources and Livelihoods Program Coordination Unit in the state and aspects of coordination between the program and the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources.
Dr. Abd Ellateef Ajaimi, head of the mission, praised the achievements achieved by the program during the last period and the level of coordination with the Ministry of Production, addressing the programs that the Fund aims to implement in the next phase.
For his part, the representative of the Director General of the Ministry appreciated the role of the State Coordination Unit in protecting natural resources and providing decent livelihoods for citizens through productive projects, mobilizing enthusiasm, and paying attention to vulnerable segments of society, reiterating the commitment to coordination and cooperation with the State Coordination Unit to implement all proposed programs.