The Scammers Move Back!!

As I see
Adil Al-Baz
As soon as I finished reading the statement of the preparatory conference for the unity of democratic civil forces, falsely called “progress, “and there was not an iota of progress forward in its presentation, it came to my mind that this conference is just a smack for the fraudsters, and its outputs are the same (ancient wine )in new bottles. This fraud is being carried out (thanks to Oshari the owner of idea (Naat) under regional and international auspices, under the umbrella of the African Union AU and at its headquarters!!
So readers do not think that I shoot accusations just like this ; without any objective basis, I have to explain why they are frauds, and how the conference’s outcomes are ancient stagnant wine. I have to do this so that the dialogue is far away from epithets and descriptions that seems like meaningless insults .
The Fraudsters Conference was born after six months of deadly conflict between gelatinous bodies and entities, that were among migrants .This is not its mistake as much as it is that it grew up under foreigner attention and is controlled and financed by conspiring international and regional forces with a malicious agenda.
What is wrong with it is that it makes a living from forbidden foreign money and Janjaweed money they plundered from the Sudanese people. Therefore, these gelatinous entities turned into pawns to implement the foreign agenda, and they became a group of intellectuals and stupid activists under the signboard of the civil society, to fraudsters in to service the foreign financiers, from Arab -Arabs, to international organizations, to the Janjaweed.
To believe this, you have to ask who financed Addis Ababa conference, and who will finance the work and activities of the preparatory committee for the upcoming conference, knowing that most of the participants are historical inerts, as most of them do not know what to do to make a living.
Before the conference, there were four groups, each of them climes to represent heavy position among the civil society organizations and monopolize its representation and the revolution itself. The first group is the Central Council, led by Selik , Arman, and the rest of the followers , the second is Sati and Al-Afif (political declaration), the third group is Hamdok and Omar Al-Najib (the platform), and finally the group of Montaser Al-Tayeb and Adel Al-Mufti, known as the Mechanism Group.
When Central Council star declined and became a tail of the Janjaweed, hatred in the Sudanese street and impossible to reproduce and market, a new trick was necessary. The Troika group to establish a new entity to over jump the Central Council group in the FFC, it was not easy, there are conflicts among the main groups.
Such as Hamdok and his group who do not trust the Central Gang, Arman does not trust Hamdok, and the Mechanism group does not trust anyone , neither does Sati. What is important is that these groups have great power among themselves.
After six months, Molly Fei (member of Janjaweed Empire ) and the UAE, and the Troika, followed escalation of their pressure and temptations, were able to succeed in bringing together the Central Group (Selik ) and the Political Declaration Group (Sati) at the conference that was held last week in Addis Ababa. The other two groups (the platform and the mechanism) refused to be (compares ) in Circus in Addis Ababa ,and issued a statement in that they denied any relation with what was happened in Addis Ababa and rejected the outcomes of the conference. The question is why Hamdok left his platform and joined the conference? .
Because he is weak and subject to pressure and blackmail. After the platform group decided to boycott, Hamdok responded to the pressures of the Troika and the Emirates, left his group and joined chorus of fraudsters out of fear and greed, out of fear of his benefactors and desire to return to the favored and comfortable seat again, as a fantasy of death again.
So only two groups – the Central Council and Sati, which claim to represent civil society, agreed to cone in Addis conference, and since it would have been a scandal to claim a monopoly on their representation of civil society, they continued the fraud as they collected (Awish) from civil society organizations, considering them to be significant organizations, and if you look in list of participating parties, you will see clearly the misery of fraud .Here is an example of fraud. The Central Council has representatives at the conference, but it is also present under several banners, such as Madani Abbas is a representative of a civil organization and is from the Central Council, and Orwa Al-Sadiq is a member of the Central Council, but he attends the conference in his capacity as a representative of the Professionals Association (the Dead).Al-Nour Hamad participated as a personality. He is a nationalist, a Republican, and his wife, Asmaa ( Republican )is participating in the conference on behalf of the Republican Party!! Add to this unidentified resistance committees and other names for entities to which God has not sent down any authority. They claim to represent segments of civil society.
The central officials are trying to outwit everyone to control the democratic civilian forces, so they entered through several doors to form a majority in the secretariat and the executive office, so the central government takes off its framework dress and hides in civilian clothes, preparing to return again to power under the banners of the Janweed and America, but that is not the case.!!
One of the ironic examples of fraud is that a conference of democratic civil forces is led by armed movements!!
These were the first steps to deceive some of them and the conspiring international community, which is interested in collecting rubbish and excrement at one level and does not care about what it represents and who it represents, but rather its concern is implementing its agenda and the agenda of the Janjaweed.!! We continue