
UK Advises the Security Council Regarding the War in Sudan

Sudan Events -Talal Mudathir

The representative of the United Kingdom, Ambassador James Kariuki, informed the UN Security Council in its meeting on Monday regarding Sudan and South Sudan of the seriousness of the situation in the disputed border region of Abyei between Sudan and South Sudan, warning that the fragile security situation in Abyei is further threatened by the conflict in Sudan.

Sectarian clashes

In his briefing, James praised the newly reconstituted multinational force of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) for its significant contribution to maintaining peace and security in Abyei, declaring that the United Kingdom welcomes the mediation efforts made by the Government of South Sudan to address tensions between the Ngok Dinka and the Twic Dinka. The ambassador added that he notes that the security situation in Abyei remains tense. Violent sectarian clashes continue to threaten the lives and safety of civilians and peacekeepers. “We are concerned about the continued concentration of South Sudan People’s Army forces in southern Abyei,” He warned. Calling on the government of South Sudan to immediately withdraw its forces in line with its obligations under the 2011 Status of Forces Agreement.

Security fragility in Abyei

The Kingdom’s ambassador expressed his fear of the fragile security situation in Abyei, which has become more threatened due to the “absolutely brutal and unjustified conflict” – as he put it – which the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces are waging in Sudan.
Stressing that more than 9,000 civilians have been displaced to Abyei since the start of hostilities, posing additional challenges to the already deteriorating humanitarian situation and complex sectarian tensions.

Safe paths

The virtual closure of Sudanese airspace made air patrols impossible
He called on the warring parties and armed groups in Sudan to urgently facilitate safe supply paths to the Joint Border Monitoring Mission headquarters and ensure safe passage and freedom of movement for all UN staff so that the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism (JBVMM) is able to maintain a range of operations in order to implement its mandate fully.

No solution but negotiation

The ambassador concluded his speech before the Security Council by emphasizing that progress cannot be made towards ending the political stalemate regarding the future status of Abyei unless all parties in Sudan stop hostilities and return to the negotiating table in good faith.

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