
Darfur movements end neutrality, warn a neighbour

Sudan Events – Talal Mudathir

The Darfur Track movements that signed the Juba Peace Agreement ended the state of “neutrality” they declared towards the war raging in Sudan since mid-April and announced today, Thursday, their participation alongside the Sudanese army in all military operations and battlefields.
Representatives of the signatory movements said in a press conference held today in the city of Port Sudan, eastern Sudan, of their adherence to the unity of Sudan and to stand against any agenda to break it up.
They warned the forces that intend to do so against getting involved in the matter and added that their forces are ready to stand against any threat to their citizens and to destabilize their security and stability.

Dr. Jibril Ibrahim, head of the Justice and Equality Movement, which also signed the Juba peace agreement in Sudan, said at the conference that they will not stand by and without lifting a finger, and they are not neutral. “Our position is comprehensive for all of Sudan, not Darfur alone, indicating that weapons were directed at defenseless citizens, and their property was looted, their security was destabilized and their lives were threatened.” “We will defend Sudan and its unity.” He added.

Jibril accused external parties of fueling the conflict, “External intervensions are clear in the ongoing war, and the militias that arrived from North and Central Africa confirm this.” He said.

For his part, the governor of the Darfur region in western Sudan – head of the Sudan Liberation Army Movement, Minni Arko Minawi, said that it became clear to him that the war is a project to divide Sudan by external execution and by local means, and that he has great responsibilities by virtue of his position as governor of the Darfur region, so he is no longer neutral in protecting women, children, and citizens’ property.

The Governor of Darfur, Minni Arko Minawi, said on the twenty-first of last April that the armed movements that signed the Juba Agreement stand neutral in the current conflict, and that they will not take sides with any party.
“Our actions speak for us and our men, and we sacrificed more than 50 martyrs.” He added at the conference today.

Moreover, the leaders of the Darfur peace movements called on the State of Chad to stop supporting the Rapid Support Militia in its war against the Sudanese people.
They strongly condemned the violations of the Rapid Support Militia against Sudanese citizens.

On Wednesday, the Rapid Support announced the signing of an agreement between it and the armed movements to stop hostilities, prevent tribal fighting, protect lives, and achieve stability in Darfur, which the movements denied today and said it was an attempt to create a quarrel and is not true.

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