
South Sudan: A New Radio Station and Vocational Training Centre to be Launched

Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed

A new radio station and vocational training centre have been launched in Warrap State to bolster peace, stability, agricultural, and livelihood initiatives in Greater Tonj, Warrap State.
The community radio station will provide a platform for airing messages about peace, rule of law, good agronomic practices, and other livelihood activities in the Greater Tonj area. Meanwhile, the Vocational Training Centre will provide knowledge and practical skills such as catering, tailoring, beauty and salon, masonry and brick making, with a starting clientele of 180 conflicted affected young people from across Greater Tonj.
“These facilities are part of peace dividends,” says Manheim Bol Malek, the Governor of Warrap state. “The youths should drop the habit of cattle raiding and concentrate on productive livelihood activities instead.”

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