Approval of Kassala’s Budget Proposals for 2024

Sudan Events – Rehab AbdulAlah
High Committee for Preparing the State Budget for the Fiscal Year 2024 today approved the state budget proposals for ministries, localities, and government agencies.
In a meeting held on Thursday), chaired by the Acting Minister of Finance and Manpower and Chairperson of the high Committee for Preparing the State Budget for the Year 2024, Musa Mohamef , and in the presence of Director of the General Administration of Finance and Budget, Dr. Salah Ahmed Mohamed Osman , and members of the high Committee for Budget Preparation, the proposals were and the final framework of the budget, that focused on the State’s resources, reliance on the tripartite program for economic reform, raising the rate of financial and tax effort, stopping tax exemptions, ranking the states in government spending, and completing ongoing projects in the field of infrastructure, were ratified.
The budget director affirmed that next year’s budget will rely on a large growth rate in the field of income taxes, according to the directives of budget preparation to activate revenues so that the state could meet its obligations towards the cost of salaries.
The meeting also tackled the budget objectives, the most important of which are mitigating the effects of war and working to build peace through implementing an economic, social, financial and humanitarian programme, in addition to playing an active role in social care and development, providing health, education, housing, and social security, and alleviating the burden of living for the citizens in the state.
For his part, the Acting Minister of Finance appreciated the efforts of the members of the high Committee and the general discussion committees.
He said it would be endorsed by the Cabinet in the coming days.