
Sudan Agriculture: Despite war no starvation

Sudan Events – Report – Rehab Abdullah

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is expecting high productivity during the current agricultural season despite the ongoing war between the SAF and the rebel RSF militia. The Ministry rejected reports that Sudan would experience famine, stressing “Sudan will not starve.”
At the beginning of the agricultural season this year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry raised the theme (Raising the productivity of acres and adopting modern agriculture), and justified this on the grounds that modern agriculture is the main outlet for the country. In this regard, the Ministry of Agriculture adopted agricultural solutions, the most important of which is to rely on the Agricultural Research Authority for the samples it produces. These improved species are characterized by high productivity, resistance to pests and drought, and high nutritional quality. The Ministry confirms that these improved types will lead to raising the productivity of acres, as well as relying on the application of technical packages for each crop.
Official report
A recent report issued by the Ministry of Agriculture revealed that the indicative plan for this season amounts to 63 million acres and includes the irrigated and rain fed sectors, but due to impact of war on some states, such as the states of Darfur, South Kordufan, and north Kordufan, it was expected that the area in these states would decrease, and therefore it almost approved an area of 47 million acres for cultivation. In this summer season, it considered it a very huge area.
Also, this season, the focus was on growing the stable food grains, namely sorghum and millet, because they constitute the food and sustenance of most citizens. Also, this season, it focused on the irrigated sector, where it worked to ensure the availability of irrigation water in anticipation of any fluctuations in the rain.
The report indicated that a committee was formed in the previous season, bringing together the Ministry of Agriculture and Economic Security, the World Food Program, US Aid, and many parties, to evaluate the season and figure out the food security situation in the country. The committee concluded that production of the basic grains, sorghum and millet, amounted to about eight million tons, and Sudan’s needs do not exceed five million tons. The last season was high in terms of production and the country had a stock of around three million tons.
Productivity forecasts
The report expected this season to witness an increase in productivity of acres to achieve more than 15 to 17 million tons of basic grains in addition to other crops.
Norwegian scholarship
Regarding the current agricultural situation, the report mentioned this season the provision of a grant from the Norwegian Embassy signed by the Ministry to the tune of 15 million dollars, which was allocated to secure improved seeds for small farmers. Also this season, the Ministry distributed, through FAO, more than 8,840 tons of improved seeds, and the report considered this an unprecedented quantity compared to past years.
The report said that farmers in various projects in the Sudan raised the slogan “We will plant despite the war,” and this slogan makes us completely certain that the country will not starve.

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