
British Advisor to Review UNITAMS Performance

Sudan Events-Talal Mudathir

Spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, UN Stephane Dujarric, said the UN Security Council and the UN Secretariat will engage with the Sudanese government on a new formula to be agreed upon regarding the role of the UNITAMS in the country.
Dujarric referred to the Secretary-General’s announcement to appoint Ian Martin to lead strategic review of UNITAMS so as to provide the Security Council SC with options on how to adapt the mission’s mandate to the new situation
Ian Martin, an English human rights Adviser previously headed the UN mission in Libya from 2015 to 2018.
The “UNITAMS” mission is a UN political mission – established according to Security Council Resolution 2524, in June 2020, and its mandate is scheduled to expire on the third of next December. The U N received a letter from the Sudanese government last Thursday “announcing the government’s decision to end the UN integrated mission. It called on UNITAMS to assist in the transitional period immediately. It described the mission performance as “disappointing” and its work far from its mandate which is meant to assist the people of Sudan in the democratic transition following the December Revolution and saying in lieu of this the mission stands were bias and only contributed to fueling the conflict in the country.
The Secretary-General of the UN ignored Sudan’s request and, directly on the second day of the request (Friday), appointed Algerian diplomat Ramdan Lamamra as his special envoy to Sudan.
UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said that the special envoy’s headquarters will not be in Sudan, indicating that the UN will continue to engage closely with all actors, including the Sudanese authorities and members of the Security Council SC to clarify the upcoming steps.

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